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Conte’s crickets on the jury of honour

Conte's crickets on the jury of honour

What is said about Giuseppe Conte's specious protest on the Honorary Jury for the signing of the ESM. Damato's Scratches

Giuseppe Conte is a strange guy indeed, law professor, lawyer, Prime Minister, president of the 5 Star Movement, greatest exponent of progressivism in Italy, aspiring leader of the opposition to Giorgia Meloni's government, defender – just a few days ago – of the "propulsive drive of the revolution" attributable to his movement but with a somewhat Soviet feel. The secretary of the PCI Enrico Berlinguer announced "exhaustion", i.e. exhaustion, speaking on television about militarized communism in Poland with Moscow's appeal to General Vojciek Jaruzelsky.


I have cited the various editions of the former Grillino prime minister in strictly chronological order, according to the positions held and the recognitions attributed to him or attributed to himself. But since yesterday he can also consider himself the challenger, having first requested and obtained from the President of the Chamber an honorary jury for the accusation made against him in the Montecitorio chamber by the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni of having authorized "in the darkness" in January 2021 , when he was head of the government, the signing of the ESM treaty, and for having now rejected that jury, asking for its suppression, for having learned that it had developed an orientation that was contrary to his opinions, versions of facts and so on. A jury meanwhile abandoned by the two opposition members called to join it in protest against the president Giorgio Mulè, Forzista vice president of the Chamber, and the other two members of the majority. Who are the Northern League member Fabrizio Cecchetti and Alessandro Colucci, from "We Moderates" of former minister Maurizio Lupi.

Unlike the announcement made on 13 December by Meloni in Parliament waving a document, Conte had not already resigned but was still in office when he ordered the accession to the ESM treaty, or European rescue fund, with a communication from the Farnesina dated 20 January 2021. States, his resignation having occurred on 26 January. But the government, already abandoned by Matteo Renzi's component, was virtually in crisis, the formal opening of which Conte delayed by searching in vain for "willing" people from the center-right willing to support him. He therefore knew that he no longer had a majority, much less in favor of parliamentary ratification of that treaty. Which in fact, after years, was rejected by Parliament, which in the meantime was renewed. And rejected starting from the Conte's own parliamentary group.

Now the former prime minister doesn't want to hear all this and throw it in his face in the courtroom with the verdict of the jury of honour, which was kicked like a ball and thrown off the pitch because "the referee is sold", shouted Il Fatto Quotidiano , the only newspaper that had the courage to bring the disheartening story to the front page. All the others relegated it to the internal pages for what it is: a specious protest, so to speak.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/giuseppe-conte-giuri-onore/ on Thu, 08 Feb 2024 06:24:51 +0000.