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Conte’s election campaign, quirinalizie pills, viral secrets and monsignors against Bocconi

Conte's election campaign, quirinalizie pills, viral secrets and monsignors against Bocconi

Facts, names, numbers, curiosities and controversies. The tweets of Michele Arnese, director of Start, not only on Conte












Matteo Renzi freezes Giuseppe Conte. And he stops (for the moment) the aspirations of the resigning Prime Minister to stay at Palazzo Chigi. A political clarification is needed first (with the former allies), to verify if there is still a majority. In that case, Pd and M5s must ask for the commitment of Italia viva. Only then can the contents be discussed. It follows that now, at the end of the consultations, a new mandate should not be given to the outgoing premier, but an exploratory assignment to another name (which the leader of IV is careful not to pronounce).

Moreover, at the moment there is no longer a majority, just as there is no alternative majority. The 'match', therefore, is now in the hands of dem and pentastellati, it is up to them to take a step. Renzi says without delay: “We are ready to support a government, but this political proposal requires the further step of understanding whether they want to stay with us or not. They have to deal with us, not with hashtags. Then we will discuss the people. I do not see any other political majority that does not contemplate living Italy ”.

Let me be clear, the Renzians – he guarantees – do not want early elections, but a political government in a short time. The subordinate is an institutional government, which would not be Iv's preferred choice, but Iv would not shirk responsibility. Renzi illustrates the line of Italy alive in 27 minutes in front of cameras and journalists, after the interview with the Head of State at the Quirinale. Line explained even more in detail later, when the content of the telephone conversation had in the afternoon – just before going up to the Hill – with Conte, who called the senator of Rignano, is reported.

Then, when it is summarized what Renzi said to Sergio Mattarella during the closed consultations. And if there is no question of a veto on the name of Conte, we are very close. From the lawyer Renzi he is 'divided' not by personal or character problems, the leader of IV is keen to point out several times, but by "enormous political issues", explains to Conte himself over the phone. In front of the reporters, Renzi removes more than a pebble from his shoes.

“We suffered 15 days of mud” only because “we were the only ones to pose problems of merit,” he says after meeting Mattarella. And again: "We heard 'never again with Italy alive', then 'Iv is irresponsible and unreliable'. But we are neither unreliable nor irresponsible but very clear and direct: we have heard words about us bordering on insult ”, he underlines. And he asks, in fact, that political recognition – not just numerical – that has been invoked for some time.

It's up to the former allies to go to Italy alive and ask to sit at the table. "We leave the evaluation to those who have vetoed us in recent weeks". Therefore, the former premier indicates which are the priorities (from the health situation to the school, from the economic crisis to the employment crisis) on which so far he has not "received adequate responses", reiterates that the important thing is to talk about "contents", including the Mes, and explains that the real issue that should be dealt with now is the 209 billion of the Recovery, because – and Mario Draghi quotes here – if they are "spent badly, they will make bad debt". Renzi immediately clarifies: “Going to the elections would be a mistake”. Italy alive "immediately wants a political government", but Mattarella does not mention names, much less that of Conte, "we are still in the previous phase". He did not even veto, he guarantees after the interview at Colle, because "I believe we must adapt to the Latin adage 'Nomina sunt consequentia rerum'", that is, names are consequent to things.

Renzi reiterates how "the spectacle of the hunt for senators" is "indecorous", while explaining that he does not have "prejudices" about a possible majority also composed of the leaders of the 'Europeistì group. The only 'no' is to "recollected or populist majorities". President Iv Ettore Rosato adds, clarifying the position of the party even more: “We are not yet ready for a government with Conte”.

Renzian parliamentary sources explain that 'no road is closed, and that Iv leaves every possibility open. But before making any move, a political clarification is needed. It is necessary, it is marked, that the Pd and M5s say what they want to do and how (and with whom). (AGI) Ser (Segue) (AGI) – Rome, 28 Jan. – Immediately after Renzi the delegation of the Democratic Party goes up to Colle.

And at the end of the consultations, the dark face of the secretary Zingaretti says more than a thousand words. The dem leader does not allow himself to be asked by journalists, he reiterates that the Democratic Party is for Count ter. In the evening it is the deputy secretary Andrea Orlando who responds hotly to the former premier. “To take Renzi back in the majority, it is necessary to understand if Renzi vetoes Conte or not. But if with Renzi the numbers of the majority remain narrow, we will continue to dance and for this reason we want an enlargement of the majority ”.

For the number two of the Nazarene "the last word naturally belongs to Mattarella but there are more scenarios and there is the risk of rolling in elections". From the 5 stars, which will go up to the Colle tomorrow for the last day of consultations, no official reply arrives. But among the pentastellati the "displacement" effect is not denied. "How can we now say no?". because – this is the reasoning of the pentastellati – the senator from Rignano threw the ball, once again, into the opponent's field. In other words, if before it was up to the scrapper to say yes or no to Giuseppe Conte, now the deal is getting complicated and the rest of the majority, and ultimately Conte itself, are asked to rule on the presence of Italia Viva in the government. And the position of the Five Stars, in recent days, has been clear: there is no return with those who have proved unreliable and irresponsible. But, parliamentarians ask, is this still a sustainable position?

At the moment, however, the 5-star line does not change, it is assured: support for Conte for the ter. And it is his name that the M5s delegation will make tomorrow in Mattarella.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/conte-quirinale-bocconi-segreti/ on Fri, 29 Jan 2021 07:52:11 +0000.