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Cordial frost between Draghi and Letta

Cordial frost between Draghi and Letta

What did Mario Draghi and Enrico Letta say to each other on the phone? And was the phone call between the two really long and cordial? I Graffi d Damato

I learn from a good source that Enrico Letta's "long" phone call to Mario Draghi, as they announced to the Nazarene, but also to Palazzo Chigi for reasons of understandable diplomacy, is "cordial" – long, however, despite the many day commitments of the Prime Minister, grappling with the guest Ursula von der Leyen in Rome – he only had the greetings for the beginning and end of the call. For the rest it was a difficult conversation, with each of the interlocutors firm on his positions in the clash that took place in public, albeit remotely, on the increase in inheritance taxes to finance a "dowry" for needy 18-year-olds: something that the secretary of the Democratic Party considers very left-wing and strongly "identity" for his party, already in enormous difficulty for coexistence with the Northern League in the emergency majority created around the government.

On the other hand, the party of Enrico Letta seems to warn of no difficulty because of the confusion, to say the least, in which the even larger party of the coalition is found, that is the 5 Star Movement entrusted by Beppe Grillo to a Giuseppe Conte who still cannot get even the 'list of subscribers. By now that seems to be perceived in the Nazarene as an "ordinary" confusion, of "settling": a "transition", as the Count himself called it when he was still in Palazzo Chigi and was trying to shore up his second government in every way, chasing one for one the senators of the mixed group and others that he gradually needed for the Renzians to leave the majority.

It seems terrified by the fear of ending up like Pier Luigi Bersani, who in 2013 lost the elections, or missed the victory, as he preferred to say, for having supported too much another emergency government, which was the technical one or similar. -Technician of Mario Monti, the secretary of the Democratic Party would have asked Draghi to be at least more discreet in contesting proposals considered untimely or even harmful. But this greater discretion would apply only to the Democratic Party, not also to the League, which should instead be opposed to the point of provocation, Salvini's party now appears as the ruler of the combination of government imposed by the pandemic and the emergencies connected to it.

Determined not to put down the helmet metaphorically put on with the proposal to finally make even the rich cry, as a government of Romano Prodi was once asked from the left, the secretary of the Democratic Party would have reserved the right to better describe Draghi in a meeting contents of his proposal so decisive for the fate of the party. Where, however, it is all to verify the existence of a real majority on the project in question. Unless – the Nazarene is whispered – the excess of one million worth of assets to be taxed the most rises to at least five to really hit the rich, and not those who seem to be so.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/gelo-cordiale-fra-draghi-e-letta/ on Sat, 22 May 2021 06:09:31 +0000.