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Corriere della Sera and Fatto Daily allied against Giorgia Meloni

Corriere della Sera and Fatto Daily allied against Giorgia Meloni

Unprecedented harmony between Corriere della Sera and Fatto Quotidiano against Giorgia Meloni for her familism and at the same time victimism. Damato's Scratches

More than 20 years after his death and 63 years after the success of "Tutti a casa", the film by Luigi Comencini in which he, as an officer in the Second World War, communicated to the Command that the Americans and Germans had formed an alliance by shooting together against the Italians, Alberto Sordi returned to my imagination to inform me that Corriere della Sera and Il Fatto Quotidiano fired together against Giorgia Meloni for her familyism and victimism. Familism for the relatives who surround her even outside the home, occupying important positions in the party and in the government, and victimism for having just reacted to the attacks, in an assembly of the "brothers of Italy" protesting against the "mud" she receives for this from opponents.

Under the Corriere newspaper, and the title "Il filo di Arianna" chosen for the column of his daily café , Massimo Gramellini indicated victimism as "the authentic national religion of which Giorgia Meloni is a skilled priestess", rightly or wrongly convinced that this is “the best way to stay afloat”.

Marco Travaglio on Fatto Quotidiano , like Beppe Grillo from other stations, multiplied Giorgia Meloni in the photomontage of the day, assigned her the slogan "Io, Patria e Famiglia", started an investigation of his own, as honorary public prosecutor, on the " dozens of family members" that the right-wing government is arranging wherever it happens and has imparted a severe life lesson to the Prime Minister in its editorial.

“It happens – wrote the director of Il Fatto – that new parties arise from family and friend circles: when you have to work hard for a few votes and places, few people knock on the door. Nothing strange if those who built the party from scratch are then elected and rewarded. But there is a limit to everything and it is up to the leader to set it, with a sense of proportion and political expediency." Which naturally would be missing, indeed they are largely missing at Meloni.

There has been no shortage of controversy in the past due to a certain left-wing or left-wing familism, with brothers, wives and companions committed to the same cause with parliamentary and party ranks. From this point of view, the only fortunate family in its distant times was that of the Lombardi family, spread between opposing political experiences: Riccardo, for example, leader of the socialist left, and Gabrio, an ultra-Catholic who in the Seventies imprudently promoted the referendum against divorce, destined to give the DC a sensational defeat, with effects lasting until death. The late Attilio Piccioni, the Christian Democrat who could have taken up the legacy of Alcide De Gasperi if he had not been damaged by the unjust involvement of his son Piero in the death of Wilma Montesi, once said of the Lombardi, discarding one of his usual sweets on the sofas of Montecitorio: “Why did we get the wrong one of the two?”.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/corriere-della-era-e-fatto-quotidiano-alleati-contro-giorgia-meloni/ on Wed, 13 Sep 2023 05:46:47 +0000.