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Count between shuffling and shuffling

Count between shuffling and shuffling

What outcome will the crisis of the Conte bis government have? The Scratches of Damato

The uncertainties of families interested in the reopening of schools and those of Italians, more generally, about the reopening of the government derive from the political confusion, and not only from the developments of the pandemic. That it is still not possible to understand if, when and how he will be able to re-emerge from the submerged navigation to which he has been forced for a few weeks due to the offensive opened by Matteo Renzi in the Giallorossi majority.

According to the latest news, which however vary from hour to hour, Giuseppe Conte would have passed from the role of gladiator hoped for by those who urged him to the operation of total challenge to Renzi in the Senate, trying to replace his party with a small group of defectors “Responsible” of various origins, but above all from the center-right, to the more prudent and perhaps salvific, for him, as an explorer. This is how they even represent him on the Fatto Quotidiano in the front page cartoon, in view of "ter" intended as the third government he chaired, after the two already collected in just over two and a half years. But Conte would arrive there with an unchanged majority, with the "alleged ally" Renzi, as they define him in Marco Travaglio's newspaper. Where, however, the solution of the "responsible", which should have spared Conte "reshuffles and concessions" to the Tuscan senator, ended up on the third page, among "opinions" on the outcome of the verification, signed by Andrea Scanzi.

Even a reshuffle may mature, not a simple reshuffle. Which, although motivated by the need to "strengthen" the government and the majority, as Corriere della Sera has it said , would actually reduce the weight of both Conte in Palazzo Chigi and the grillini. Among which the fear of early elections, from which they would come out in pieces, is prevailing over everything else: and with fear also internal tensions. The developments of which are really unpredictable, with a regent, however, like Vito Crimi again expired in office.

The submerged rock that threatens and worries Conte both as an acrobat and as an explorer, according to the front page cartoons, respectively, of the Corriere della Sera and the Fatto Quotidiano , is the formal passage of the resignation of the prime minister claimed by Renzi. Who to trust little, or not trust at all, is not only Marco Travaglio, the director of the Fact , but also Conte, although practically obliged by the Democratic Party to "see", that is, to negotiate, renouncing the so-called operation of the "responsible" . That in the opinion not only of the group leader in the Senate Andrea Marcucci , suspected of underground Renzism, but also of Luigi Zanda and the same secretary of the Pd Nicola Zingaretti, would be nothing more than an oxymoron, having to be considered irresponsible, in the situation in which the Country, the use of a botched solution and even uncertain in numbers.

"No gathering majorities", Sergio Staino, in his cartoon on the Reformist , tells the legendary Bobo because "Parliament is enough for us to recollect", as it has been reduced by transmigration, by the reduction of seats imposed by the grillini and ratified with a lot of referendum, from the trap that has therefore derived from it, fearing more than half of the outgoing deputies and senators not to return next time, and from the so-called identity crisis, but even more electoral, of the same grillini, who came out of the polls in 2018 even as the party most represented in the Houses.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/conte-fra-rimpastino-e-rimpastone/ on Tue, 05 Jan 2021 06:52:35 +0000.