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Count from the stars to the rags?

Count from the stars to the rags?

All the effects of the administrative elections on the party leaders. Federico Guiglia's notebook

The outcome of the elections in almost a thousand municipalities overturns the political equilibrium of the national vote in 2018. If in Parliament the M5S and the Lega represent together and alone 50 per cent of the consensus expressed by Italians 4 years ago, Sunday's result is only confirmation of the slow but continuous decline. On the right Giorgia Meloni overtook Matteo Salvini even in the cities where the League was strong.

On the left, Enrico Letta consolidates his role as the backbone of the “campo largo” he evokes, and in which the presence of the grillina is not very influential. If yesterday the leading parties were the M5S and the League, today the Democratic Party and the Fdi are: and tomorrow, that is, in the spring of 2023, the political vote will arrive. According to Salvini , that will be the appointment to decide, based on the votes received by each party, who will lead the center-right. He minimizes, he notes, like his allies, that "united we win" with the thought turned to the divisions of the center-right in Verona.

But the antagonist Meloni launches the challenge: “We are the driving force”. Di Salvini did not pay for the strategy for a League of struggle and government, in spite of participation in the executive of national unity led by Mario Draghi. Ministers and Northern League governors do not like this fluctuating and declamatory policy. As most recently, the controversy surrounding Salvini's alleged trip to Moscow "for peace in Ukraine" testifies. Or the same promotion – with the radicals – of 5 referendums on justice that have reached an all-time low in the interest of citizens. A failure and many errors that are reflected in the steady decline in consensus and in the simultaneous rise of Meloni (with Berlusconi in the inevitable role of the mediator).

Similar problems on the other side, where Conte admits to being disappointed by the meager results of the M5S. But even here it is his politics to be accused: too many winks at the origins of grillism and too much distance from the institutional role of Di Maio and those who support the government. Conte has not digested Draghi, and it shows. Meanwhile, Renzi and Calenda hope to find spaces between the changing Poles. Even if the third way comes out beaten by the municipal vote, which has proposed new versions of bipolarism. And that does not affect the holding of the government in office, the last of the legislature.

(Published in Bresciaoggi)


This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/conte-dalle-stelle-alle-stalle/ on Sun, 19 Jun 2022 05:38:29 +0000.