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Dagospia oracle of La7, the Brothers of Italy and Rai, Bolloré’s somersaults, Garattini’s pills, Confindustria dinners

Dagospia oracle of La7, the Brothers of Italy and Rai, Bolloré's somersaults, Garattini's pills, Confindustria dinners

Dagospia, Formigli, Garattini, Bolloré, Barbera, Fratelli d'Italia, Rai and more. Press review pills

















CORRADO FORMIGLI: Here we are. D'Agostino known as Dago, then let's begin. Let's start with a photograph, the photograph is this, here Giorgia Meloni at the Amigo hotel in Brussels, informally in the company of Scholz and Macron last night. Stolen photo, propaganda photo, what does it tell us?

DAGOSPIA: No, it's an authentic photo, it's absolutely not a fake. He's staying in that hotel. It was like they were all there. Quarters

CF: And what does this photograph tell us? What do you want to communicate to us? Second according to D'Agostino.

D: Well, first of all it must be said straight away that they discussed the Stability Pact, but they discussed in a certain way, let's say. There is an agreement on the pact, indeed, Economy Minister Giorgetti himself could have signed it, but she stopped it because she wants to be the one to plan, to flaunt the victory with her negotiation: the famous Mes-Pact package of stability.

CF: that is, I ratify the ESM for you, but you make me the stability pact

D: Yes, but it's clearly one of your super-fucks. Only for fools, because we know very well that the ESM will then have to be signed and will have to be signed. You are in crisis: you will have to contradict what you said when you were in opposition. He said it in all colours, in opposition against Europe.

CF: Against the ESM, which could not be signed against Europe, even against the euro.

Q: You said at one point. No, Europe is worried. The fun is over, you know the famous phrases like that, then she obviously knows very well that the vote in Parliament on the ESM will unleash her ally, because Meloni's opposition is not on the left but is inside

CF: It's Salvini.

Q: Salvini, who understood that Meloni's strategy, which is to absorb and/or marginalize. At this point he expects nothing more than the Brothers of Italy to vote in favor of the ESM to show off to everyone: you see, the League is the only one that doesn't betray, the only coherent party, while the Brothers of Italy is a traitor. , is a servant of the Europowers.

CF: However, one question could be objected: Yes, Salvini can do it, just as Meloni does the scene on the MES. But Salvini isn't going anywhere else either. He must remain in this majority, he cannot bring down the government.

D: Be careful, this is not the problem here, because the glue of this government is power. Hire this, hire that, give money to one, give money to another, the glue is power. But what Salvini risks, after losing the goose that laid the golden eggs, which was the Lombardy Region, risks being absorbed by this chameleonism of Giorgia Meloni who has many masks all at once.

When she goes abroad she makes big eyes, there she is, making big eyes. So the problem is this. The chameleonism of Giorgia Meloni, because there is a Giorgia Meloni who goes abroad with a face, with a mask abroad is a Giorgia Meloni who returns home.

When she goes abroad, to Biden, to Macron, to Scholz, she makes big eyes, we see her there in the photo, she makes big eyes with foreign strong powers, pro-Atlanticism, unconditional support for Ukraine, then when she arrives in Italy puts his fez back on and starts saying, I'm in charge here. Then, when the two allied parties rebel, her blood clot breaks out and she begins to say: "Ah, the siege syndrome…"

CF: And so he brings them back into line or tries to do so

D: No. The battle has begun.

CF: What battle starts again?

Q: In truth, it is a war that started from the day Salvini, Ronzulli, in connection with Fascina, led Berlusconi to give a no-confidence vote to the Draghi government. Which Meloni absolutely didn't want to do, because she knew very well, it was July, that she had a financial law before her, PNRR, a lot of trouble and she didn't want to take it.

CF: It wasn't the right time to go into government.

D: Good, at this point what happens is that when Salvini sees that Fratelli d'Italia had overtaken him, surpassed him, he knows very well that at that point the income of being in opposition to Meloni would have completely erased him. He went further and further.

Meloni at this point they have to say no. At this point they say: we need to stop this Draghi government, because we will end up becoming vassals, Meloni's jesters. They make him fall. She obviously becomes Prime Minister with the vote, and at that point a real war breaks out.

Because she, who didn't want to go, when the moment arrives for example of Berlusconi's great return to Parliament after the well-known judicial events, Berlusconi, expected the arch of triumph, instead what did she receive? An order from Meloni to vote La Russa president of the Senate.

Now, the League having already obtained the President of the Chamber, Fontana, obviously at Palazzo Chigi, it was obvious that Berlusconi was expecting a gesture, of respect and everything. He certainly wasn't in the physical condition to be president of the Senate, however, he wanted to be a king maker again and say stay or not.

CF: And instead he is, let's say kicked out of the game.

D: And from there the war really starts and from there we have the various results. When he accuses. When he, Berlusconi, makes that famous note and then says to your face, your partner is my employee and she replies, I am not blackmailable.

CF: Here is the Giambruno case, let's get to the Giambruno case. According to D'Agostino, is the Giambruno case a, let's say a consequence of this war or is it just not an impromptu release by Ricci and Striscia la Notizia?

D: But what an impromptu release, that had been in the drawer for over three months. What happens? That Forza Italia, whose owners are the Berlusconi family, understands, given, let's say, the energy of a stuffed animal that Tajani has, that the Forza Italia party had become irrelevant, insignificant. What does he do? These people here think, okay, little by little, what do they find instead? There is the infamous tax on extra bank profits.

CF: Here it is. Let's look at the video for a moment, because this is an important moment. The announcement with which Giorgia Meloni shows herself to be the woman against the strong powers, right, and against the powers of the banks? We see.

D: Obviously you could have done it in a way of dialogue, of meeting, talking about it with the Bank of Italy, at the time Visco was there, you could have talked about it with the heads of the banking institutions. No, he does it at night. What you accuse Conte of today, that favor of darkness with which he signed the ESM, you under the cover of darkness decided that tax on the banks, without notifying anyone.

CF: Among the banks there is also that of the Berlusconi family. Let's remember, Mediolanum is not.

D: Well, exactly, but why do you do this? Because Fazzolari, no, Meloni's Rocco Casalino , thinks that beating up the banks is a consensus grabber, everyone hates the banks, usurious banks here and there.

How did you make this decision? During a dinner in a restaurant in Bolgheri, together with Salvini, where they made an exchange, you obtain, who knows when, you will obtain the differentiated autonomy, dear to the League and in exchange you give the OK for the tax on the banks.

Obviously at that point the Berlusconis say: “Oh no, now you're spreading yourself thin, you're exaggerating. And at that point Marina Berlusconi intervenes. At a certain point, then coincidentally, the off-air messages arrive on Meloni's partner Andrea Giambruno.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/dagospia-oracolo-di-la7-i-fratelli-ditalia-e-della-rai-le-capriole-di-bollore-le-pillole-di-garattini-le-cenette-confindustriali/ on Fri, 15 Dec 2023 12:00:39 +0000.