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Dear Mr. Fedez, I would like to inform you better about the Church, the Concordat and the Zan ddl

Dear Mr. Fedez, I would like to inform you better about the Church, the Concordat and the Zan ddl

The open letter from Sister Anna Monia Alfieri to "Signor Federico Leonardo Lucia", alias Fedez

Dear Mr. Federico Leonardo Lucia,

I turn to her calling her by name: it seems to me, in fact, more dignified and respectful for her person. I imagine, given your young age, that you are fresh out of your studies and that at school, both in the First and Second Grade Secondary, your History teachers have introduced you (and you then at home, in the afternoon, have studied) the Lateran Concordat of 1929 and its Revision of 1984. Of course, you will tell me: the Concordat of 1929 was signed by Mussolini. I agree.

The 1984 one, however, was signed, for the Italian state, by Bettino Craxi, a true socialist, certainly not a friend of the Vatican and its alleged logic of power. I hope, therefore, that, before making certain statements, he took those books back into his hands, provided that he kept them and did not sell them at the end of the year. What is legitimate, God forbid, some extra money to help in the family or to give to charity is always good!

Believe me at 46, after three degrees, I continue to study, because I feel the responsibility of saying words that build. If this is true for a simple citizen, let alone a public figure of his caliber, with such a large and numerous following. Obviously I suspend all judgment, let whoever is without sin cast the first stone, Someone said, but I take the liberty of making a consideration of method, just to help our children to orient themselves. It seems right to me, you will agree.

Looking at the video released by you, I understand that you do not know, with a wealth of data, the issues that you intend to bring to public attention, namely: what is a lay state, what is a Concordat, what is the theme of priests tried with the Vatican and / or civil law, what taxes are paid. Again, I believe that you are unaware of the voluntary work that hundreds of thousands of lay people, priests, nuns perform every day. The solidarity you speak of, in reality, is called proximity and never happens in favor of the camera. The right does not know what the left is doing, that Someone always said.

Since I am older (of course) than you, I would like to give you some advice, even if not requested: I do it in consideration of all the unsolicited advice that you also offer every day, thanks to a refined and elegant vocabulary from which his profound culture and his high civic sense are evident. If you wish to make a contribution to the Res-publica – which is highly commendable and which, moreover, also represents a duty for all citizens pursuant to art. 2 of the Constitution – it is necessary to read up before expressing oneself, in order to avoid overlapping of arguments.

One thing is the Zan bill which, I remind you, in Articles 4 and 7 affects the right to freedom of expression (Article 21 of the Constitution), to the freedom of teaching of teachers (Article 33 of the Constitution), to the freedom of educational choice that belongs to parents, that is to you and not to others, neither Church nor State (Article 30 of the Constitution). And this is a fact.

Then, with regard to your concern for money (a concern with a very high moral profile and, above all, consistent with your lifestyle, which is always so sober and sober), I inform you that, with regard to your statement "The Vatican does not pay real estate taxes and Italy is violating the Concordat ”, in 2020, the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See paid € 5.95 million for IMU and € 2.88 million for IRES. To these must be added the taxes paid by the Governorate, Propaganda fide, the Vicariate of Rome, the Italian Episcopal Conference and individual religious bodies. Obviously everything is documented, down to the last cent. And this too is a fact.

That said, the freedom of the individual cannot be denied. If he wants to stay on his position, we will all make up for it. Of course, to the young people to whom you are addressing, I always suggest to deepen, to go beyond the news. After all, I am convinced that this is the duty of every person: to be a positive example, especially considering that today's adolescents, so lost and so alone, will be the citizens of tomorrow. The defamation and verbal violence with which we have fed them in recent years who knows what consequences will have on their future. Above all, who knows if one day they will realize that when adults behave like teenagers, they – adults – represent a betrayal of their dreams and expectations.

I stop. I go back to dealing with budgets and law. I am going back to my duty as a citizen. For the sake of truth I could not keep silent.

A wish for all good,

Sr. Anna Monia Alfieri

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/caro-signor-fedez-la-informo-meglio-su-chiesa-concordato-e-ddl-zan/ on Wed, 23 Jun 2021 10:44:33 +0000.