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Dengue, what does the circular from the Ministry of Health say

Dengue, what does the circular from the Ministry of Health say

Disinfected planes, checks on aircraft and goods arriving from countries at risk of dengue. This is what is happening at Rome Fiumicino airport, where the level of vigilance has been raised due to the surge in cases being recorded abroad. Facts, numbers and comments

At Rome Fiumicino airport, the level of vigilance is raised regarding planes arriving and goods imported from countries where there is a "frequent and continuous risk of contracting the dengue disease". The provision arrived at the Maritime, Air and Border Health Offices at the disposal of the Director General of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, Francesco Vaia, due to the global increase in dengue cases, particularly in Brazil and Argentina.

Among the measures envisaged are careful monitoring "of the disinfection of aircraft" and the evaluation of any ordinances for extraordinary surveillance, sanitization and disinfestation interventions.


The circulars refer to the Aedes Aegipty species, as it is the mosquito vector of the viruses that cause dengue and Zika infection. This mosquito, experts point out, is not present in our territory and the objective is to prevent its arrival in Italy.

Some measures in place are already carried out on a cyclical basis by Aeroporti di Roma and some carriers. Furthermore, for several months in the Roman airport there have been totems from the Ministry of Health, in Italian and English, which provide advice to international travelers on diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, with behavioral recommendations to be adopted before leaving, upon arrival in the country. of destination and then on return to Italy.


The dengue fever epidemic shows no signs of slowing down. After a record-breaking 2023, with over 5 million cases, in the month of January alone, 600,000 infections have already been exceeded worldwide.

Already in recent months the World Health Organization (WHO) had warned of the surge in cases: in twenty years there has been a tenfold increase in infections, which went from 500 thousand in 2000 to over 5 million in 2019 After a slowdown during the pandemic years, last year the circulation of dengue, which is however subject to intensification every 3-4 years, began to grow again.


According to the WHO, there have been more than 5.5 million cases and more than 5 thousand deaths. More than 80% occurred in South America, with Brazil alone accounting for around 3 million infections.

Outside of South America, major increases have been recorded in Bangladesh with over 300,000 cases; Burkina Faso, which with 150 thousand cases was the most affected African country; and Vietnam with 170,000 cases, down from the previous year.

But the epidemic has not spared Europe either, where sporadic cases have been recorded in Italy (82), France (43) and Spain (3).


2024 seems to confirm last year's trend. Although the data is still partial and fragmentary, according to reports released by the WHO regional offices, in the first month of the year, 600 thousand cases have already been exceeded in the world. The majority of infections (550 thousand) continue to be recorded in the Americas with an increase of 189% compared to the same period last year and 263% compared to the average of the previous 5 years. So far, 68 deaths have been recorded.

Brazil continues to be the most affected country with 126 thousand infections in the last week of January alone.

Among the countries outside America for which data relating to the new year are available, the high circulation of dengue is confirmed in Burkina Faso (more than 2,000 cases in the first week of the year alone) and significant increases are reported in Malaysia (with over 10 thousand cases until mid-January).


“The dengue prevention circular from the Ministry of Health is an excellent starting point, although perhaps it would be worth giving guidelines on what to do. Technology today can allow us to know who is traveling from Italy to Brazil and vice versa: we can send messages to them on the phone informing them about dengue". This is the advice of Matteo Bassetti, director of infectious diseases at the San Martino polyclinic hospital in Genoa, shared with Adnkronos Salute .


“At this time, attention to dengue must be particularly high for those traveling to or returning from parts of the world where the infection is endemic. These people should implement prevention strategies and, if they have symptoms upon their return, report them to their doctor." Massimo Andreoni, scientific director of the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (Simit), told Ansa .

“Not all people who are bitten develop a clinical picture: a large proportion of infected people are asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic,” he explained. When the disease gives symptoms, these are "fever, severe muscle and joint pain, redness of the eyes, sometimes vomiting and diarrhea or rash". “When faced with these symptoms – continues the infectious disease specialist – it is important that both patients and doctors think about the possibility that it could be dengue”.

Andreoni then recalled that to date there are no specific therapies: “The therapy is symptomatic and is aimed at reducing fever, hydrating the patient, combating pain. In the majority of patients the infection leaves no consequences, however in a small portion, especially in those who have already contracted the infection, it can give rise to serious conditions, even with haemorrhagic fever". However, greater attention must be paid to the most fragile people, such as the elderly, people with comorbidities, immunosuppressed people and pregnant women.

Prevention, concludes the expert, in addition to strategies to prevent mosquito bites, can be based on the vaccine: “There are currently two. However, at the moment their use should be taken into consideration for those who live in areas where the infection is endemic or for those who travel to those areas for work or tourism. There is no indication to vaccinate the general population."

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/sanita/dengue-che-cosa-dice-la-circolare-del-ministero-della-salute/ on Wed, 14 Feb 2024 15:40:11 +0000.