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Does the Municipality of Rome pamper Atac too much? Here’s what the Antitrust says

Does the Municipality of Rome pamper Atac too much? Here's what the Antitrust says

The Agcm believes that the new extension of the assignment to Atac by the Campidoglio of the local public transport service and complementary services is in contrast with the EU regulations on competition and lacks regulatory coverage. All the details

The Market and Competition Authority criticizes the Municipality of Rome over the Atac dossier.

It's not just the 5G dossier that's causing headaches for the Capitoline council led by the dem Roberto Gualtieri : the Antitrust has in fact stopped «the extension of the assignment to Atac Spa of the local public transport service and of the complementary services for the management of paid parking on the road, interchange car parks and parking facilities in structures or on the surface off-road, as most recently established by resolution of the Capitoline Council no. 107/2023 and with any implementing decisions" deeming it "illegitimate as it lacks regulatory coverage and in contrast with the regulations set out in Legislative Decree no. 201/2022" and setting the deadline of 60 days within which the Campidoglio will now have to comply, removing the competition violations.


A violation of no small importance, for the Agcm which maintains that the legislative intervention distorts the game of competition at community level: "the extension in question also constitutes a restriction on the freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services" of referred to in articles 49 and 56 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union , «as it is suitable to delay and unjustifiably hinder the awarding of the local public transport service in the territory of Rome Capital through a procedure compliant with current legislation and the competitive principles in it contents".


For this reason "Roma Capitale will have to communicate to the Authority the initiatives adopted to remove the competition violations described above", requests the Antitrust. Where, within the 60-day period, these initiatives do not comply with the competitive principles underlying the violated regulations, the Authority may appeal within the following thirty days.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/smartcity/il-comune-di-roma-coccola-atac-ecco-che-dice-lantitrust/ on Tue, 19 Sep 2023 13:35:37 +0000.