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Does the stability of the Draghi government depend only on Salvini?

Does the stability of the Draghi government depend only on Salvini?

Facts and words after the indictment of Matteo Salvini for the Open Arms case. Italics by Paola Sacchi

It was to be expected that for Matteo Salvini no solidarity would come from the "left wing" of the majority of which he belongs and obviously even less from the Five Stars who were in the same government with him, sharing his political choices at the time of the facts of the Open Arms. Facts for which only the former Minister of the Interior of the Conte 1 government has been indicted. Yet, decisions such as that of Palermo, defined as "a very serious precedent" for the same autonomy of politics in the face of the judiciary even by so-called moderates such as the former centrist minister Maurizio Lupi, risk not being a good viaticum for anyone. Not even for that former yellow-red majority that in the Senate gave the authorization to proceed against the former Minister of the Interior. Least of all the decisions of Palermo obviously sound like a calming signal for a unitary national emergency government like that of Mario Draghi.

According to some mainstream press, and probably strong and unspeakable desires of sectors of the former yellow-red majority to push the League towards a "Papeete 2", everything now depends on Salvini. However, as he did yesterday evening on Tg5 , he clearly said that he does not intend to give up the government. And he reiterated the line on the basis of which he decided to join: "I do it for the good of the country, responding to the appeal of President Mattarella". Although Salvini, after having pulled together with Forza Italia an important turnaround on safe reopening, in his line seems to raise the bar a bit when he replies on Minister Roberto Speranza that if he were to continue to "see red" should go. The Northern League leader thus actually responds to the pressing of Giorgia Meloni, president of the Brothers of Italy, with a motion of no confidence in Speranza.

But, in any case, the scenario that opens up after the indictment of Palermo does not seem to be something that can only concern Salvini and the internal equilibrium of the center-right. A few years have passed and however – albeit in completely different situations, always united by a certain judicial offensive against Silvio Berlusconi then today of Salvini, even if it must be remembered that the Northern League leader is only accused – with all the strong differences, something does to recall the days in which the Cav was condemned and subsequently dismissed as a senator, with the retroactive application of a rule. That event, judging from how things went then for the left, however, had aftermath that in the long run did not bring very well even to the same opponents of Cav. And it so happens that even then there was an executive of broad agreements. Led by Letta himself, now neosecretary of the Democratic Party, who as prime minister maintained a strong, almost glacial detachment of his executive from what he called only Berlusconi's legal affairs. Coincidences that strike a little when Letta now says not to rule out alliances with the president of Forza Italia himself. Just as it is almost surprising that the PD secretary's choice to post his meeting with the founder of Open Arms on social media, also wearing his sweatshirt, right on the eve of the trial, or rather preliminary hearing, in Palermo. Salvini attacked a "left that wants to beat its opponents in the courts and not with politics".

However you think, judging by the facts, one has to ask: does the stability of the Draghi government really depend only on Salvini?

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/dipende-solo-da-salvini-la-stabilita-del-governo-draghi/ on Mon, 19 Apr 2021 04:23:19 +0000.