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Draghi does not mistreat Biden on Afghanistan

Draghi does not mistreat Biden on Afghanistan

What did Draghi say about what happened in Afghanistan?

He too squeezed between "promises and fear", as the Corriere della Sera headline referring to the promises, in fact, of the Taliban now masters of Afghanistan who seek to be accredited as moderates, to the point of "being Christian Democrats", as Il Fatto Daily , and the fear that they continue to cause inside and outside the home, Prime Minister Mario Draghi got away from being a faithful friend and ally of the Americans. In a substantial message through an interview with Tg1 he did not join the chorus of protests, complaints, accusations against the United States for the twenty years of a war that ended as certainly not initially imagined in the White House. Nor, of course, in the Chancelleries of all countries, including Italy at the time governed by Silvio Berlusconi, who decided to participate in the harsh military reaction to the September 11, 2001 attacks on the Two Towers in New York and the Pentagon.

Draghi, even at the cost of ending up in the cauldron of that Italy "cradle of paraculism" denounced by Marco Travaglio after having given – I repeat – some "Christian Democrat" paraculi to the Taliban as well, honored the memory of the 54 Italian victims of the Afghan war by defining them " heroes ”and has bet on the positive effects that what we have sown together with our allies in that distant country is destined to produce. "We leave a deep trace in Afghan society" from which not even the Taliban will be able to ignore, said Draghi and wanted to make people understand. Who evidently preferred this hope to the dismay provoked in many other colleagues, including the German chancellor with whom he had just consulted, from the images of the planes stormed in Kabul by crowds fleeing desperate from what they perceive only as a disaster .

Draghi preferred optimism – let's call it by his real name – also over the capacity of the West, starting with the European Union, in which he wanted to trace what Il Foglio has defined "an axis with Merkel", to help those who have remained in Afghanistan in fear and those who have already fled or are fleeing. Regarding the destination of which the usual Matteo Salvini has already shouted that we shouldn't even talk about it in Italy, not understanding that the Prime Minister has posed the problem in a European and world key, speaking of the G20 and the G7. Where he intends to deal with the Afghan question after the end of the military occupation. The Northern League leader, also in this probably with the help of the minister, friend and party mate Giancarlo Giorgetti, will probably have the opportunity to return to the subject in a more reflective, or less excited way.

The same could be said, on the other hand and within the government majority, for Mattei Renzi. Who immediately warned that "we are not dealing with the Taliban", while from Brussels the European commissioner for security and international relations, the Spaniard Josep Borrell, said that one cannot but speak "with who has won".

Considering them a bit like the Taliban of our house, Renzi also said of the grillini, after the 2018 elections, who could not be the interlocutors of his still Pd. And he metaphorically began to eat popcorn in front of the spectacle of government negotiations between the pentastellati and the leaguers. But after a little more than a year, it is not known whether more due to exhaustion or exhaustion of popcorn stocks, as a former secretary he pushed the Democratic Party to negotiate with the grilini to replace the government with the Northern League. That they had slipped away in the wrong ways and times of the crisis.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/draghi-non-bistratta-lamerica-sullafghanistan/ on Wed, 18 Aug 2021 06:16:47 +0000.