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Draghi scolds the dragons on the Quirinale

Draghi scolds the dragons on the Quirinale

The Scratches of Damato

The more the difficulties of the parties that compose it numb the waters of the majority – starting with the League that "dribbles", as the manifesto brilliantly titles, to continue with Giuseppe Conte under the five stars who threaten complaints to those who write about his so-called magic circle more or not, and he too awaits the results of the local elections on Sunday and Monday with some apprehension – the more Mario Draghi tries to protect the government from the risks of attrition in his own way, with his style, with his concreteness. At Palazzo Chigi announcements and decisions are mixed which the Prime Minister personally illustrates by pursuing only the "efficiency" of the government he leads. The results of which alone can nullify any crisis project.

Among Draghi's announcements in the last hours there was that of the extraordinary session of the G20, which he strongly desired on the Afghan crisis and which will take place on 12 October, between the two rounds of the administrative elections. The parties of his composite majority will compete in the ballot for the cities and he, the Prime Minister, will authoritatively guarantee Italy's not marginal role in the international arena. Tell me if it is little.

The only thing I think Draghi is wrong about, I don't know if more out of ingenuity or an excess of cunning, or Machiavellianism, as you prefer, is the recurrent attempt to exorcise the expiry of the Quirinale by making it only or above all a matter of etiquette, that is saying that it is rude to talk about Sergio Mattarella's succession while he is still in office and carries out his mandate in full, as demonstrated by the events in which he participates and the messages, including political ones, that he sends to the right and to the left with his mainly immersed interventions in current political affairs.

Unfortunately, at least for political etiquette as Draghi understands it, the deadline is in things. The same exclusive nature of electoral college assigned by the Constitution to the Chambers gathered in common session for this institutional fulfillment, with the participation of the regional delegates and without the possibility of debate on candidacies, programs and the like, makes a political confrontation inevitable even before, in a extraneous to Parliament, and without regard – I would add – for anyone, not even for the outgoing head of state, whether or not he is tempted by a re-election or confirmation not at all excluded by the Constitution. Everyone needs to resign themselves to this reality, consolidated in more than 70 years of republican history.

On the other hand, not even Draghi managed to stay out of the dispute, having openly proposed it to the Quirinale, without any reaction from him, not two passers-by, or two columnists from as many authoritative newspapers, but two ministers like Giancarlo Giorgetti , head of the League's delegation to the government, and Renato Brunetta of Forza Italia. My friend and editor Augusto Minzolini rightly reminded the Prime Minister today in the Berlusconi family newspaper , seeing – I don't know if just as rightly – a certain willingness of Draghi to move from Palazzo Chigi in a "lottery game". And with another candidate, I don't know if more of a shadow or a flag, like Berlusconi himself, who even joked about it – only joked? – excluding that a Draghi al Quirinale could send to Palazzo Chigi, predictably after the elections, the two center-right candidates who are competing for the leadership of the government: Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni. What a sight, guys.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/draghi-rimbrotta-i-draghiani-sul-quirinale/ on Thu, 30 Sep 2021 05:45:42 +0000.