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Drought, this is how Engineering supports municipalities against water waste

Drought, this is how Engineering supports municipalities against water waste

We publish the text of the speech by Maximo Ibarra, CEO & General Manager of Engineering, held on the occasion of the Anci event "Missione Italia 2021 2026"

This very important occasion, which confronted the world of politics, administrations and businesses, allowed for a valuable discussion on the problems and above all on the prospects of our country in a moment of strong change.

For over 40 years, Engineering has supported the digitization of processes for Public Administration and companies, describing how our projects, based on the use of new technologies, are supporting Local Administrations and Bodies in innovating and improving cities and municipalities.

From North to South, our solutions and platforms improve the mobility of large urban centers such as Verona, Pisa, Florence, and Naples, with important benefits also for the environment. In Bologna, using Artificial Intelligence, we optimize the search for tax evasion allowing administrators to reduce taxes. In many municipalities in Sicily we instead deal with energy efficiency, allowing the use of public lighting when and where it is needed. Our commitment to innovation in urban contexts does not stop with Italy, but also affects various international cities, such as Lima, La Plata, Copenhagen.

The event was also an important moment to talk about the terrible problem of drought that is gripping Europe and Italy in recent weeks: a very topical starting point that allowed me to tell how the integration of digital technologies in networks in fact, the water distribution system makes it possible to monitor the entire water pipeline, identify critical issues in the network, assess any maintenance needs in advance, allowing for significant abatement of water waste. Engineering does it for the Apulian Aqueduct, experimenting with a monitoring platform that, thanks to Artificial Intelligence, allows the pre-localization and identification of water losses, as well as supports Acque Bresciane in making the aqueducts more efficient with a predictive analysis system. Two projects that tell how technology can help us make our planet healthier and more sustainable.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/innovazione/siccita-ecco-come-engineering-supporta-i-comuni-contro-lo-spreco-idrico/ on Thu, 23 Jun 2022 13:22:43 +0000.