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Enrico Giovannini, all about the new Minister of Infrastructures in place of Paola De Micheli

Enrico Giovannini, all about the new Minister of Infrastructures in place of Paola De Micheli

Here is Enrico Giovannini's curriculum: from university teaching to institutional positions, passing through ministerial ones (work in the Letta government), up to the Alliance for sustainable development (as Conte renamed the M5s-Pd-Leu alliance …)

He was chief statistician of the OECD from 2001 to August 2009, president of Istat from August 2009 to April 2013. Not only that: from 28 April 2013 to 22 February 2014 he was Minister of Labor and Social Policy of the Letta government .

The new Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Enrico Giovannini, 64, taking the place of the democrat Paola De Micheli, who has been at the center of criticism in the majority, especially by Italia Viva, is not new in the institutions and in the government. movement by Matteo Renzi.

A long international career at the top of the OECD, the presidency of Istat, the Ministry of Labor, and for years the daily battle to combine development, equality and sustainability as co-founder and spokesperson of ASviS , the Alliance for Sustainable Development.

Just the name of the M5s-Pd-Leu coalition renamed by the outgoing Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, on the day of the appointment given by the head of state to Mario Draghi to form the new government.

Giovannini is full professor of economic statistics at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata", professor of Public management at the Department of Political Sciences of the Luiss University and member of numerous boards of foundations and national and international organizations.

To Giovannini, Draghi actually entrusted the task of managing those almost 32 billion (31.98 billion euros to be exact) that the Recovery allocates to the Infrastructure chapter, taking into account the need for modernization of the country to reconcile with the great battle of Sustainable Development.

Not surprisingly, in the Recovery area over 18 of those billions are dedicated to green mobility. Great challenge with few certainties: one is that "the crisis offers an unrepeatable opportunity to choose and accelerate on a new development model" as Giovannini himself often likes to remember in his interventions, the other is that the road ahead will be complex: "Because the future will be full of shocks and therefore it is not enough to restart the GDP, this money must be used to transform the economy to make it more resilient", he explained recently.

Romano, class of '57, degree in statistics from Sapienza, as director general of the OECD from 2001 to 2009 Giovannini carried out a profound overall reform of the Organization's statistical system and the same happened at the head of Istat from 2009 to 2013 where he carried out numerous innovative projects. Among other things, his is the launch of the project for the measurement of “Fair and Sustainable Wellbeing (BES)”.

As Minister of Labor, among other things, he initiated the reform of the shock absorbers in derogation and designed the Youth Guarantee, also concentrating the ministry's guidance on the fight against poverty and undeclared work and repeatedly reiterating to entrepreneurs the need to invest "in human capital ”, reminds Ansa.

Professor of economic statistics at Tor Vergata, he co-founded the Sustainable Development Alliance born in 2016 which brings together 270 companies, institutions and civil society networks with the aim of promoting the themes of the 2030 Agenda and sustainable development. " The relaunch of infrastructures, "is one of the dilemmas that a country must face", he said in a recent interview in which he stressed that "thanks to new technologies, developing infrastructures with a low environmental impact" could create "a lot" of work by retraining and that the costs of lack of maintenance in areas with high seismic and hydrogeological risk are higher than in preventive measures ".


This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/smartcity/enrico-giovannini-chi-e-il-nuovo-ministro-delle-infrastrutture-al-posto-di-paola-de-micheli/ on Sat, 13 Feb 2021 05:42:13 +0000.