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Fico will conveniently explore another M5s, Pd, Italia Viva and Leu government until February 2

Fico will conveniently explore another M5s, Pd, Italia Viva and Leu government until February 2

What did the head of state, Mattarella, decide after the consultations. Exploratory mandate to the Speaker of the Chamber, Fico (M5s). Very long times: Fico will report to Mattarella on Tuesday 2 February

Long exploration: sent until Tuesday 2 February for Fico.

The President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella , has entrusted the President of the Chamber, Roberto Fico (M5s) with the exploratory mandate to see if there are the conditions for a new government supported by the same parliamentary forces that gave birth to Conte 2.

Therefore, there is no re-appointment for the resigning Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, as instead explicitly desired and invoked by 3 of the 4 parliamentary groups of the previous government majority: only Italia Viva – unlike M5s, Pd and Leu – during the consultations of the head of the State did not explicitly mention the name of Conte .

So from the consultations Matteo Renzi scores a point in favor, since he first wanted to talk about the objectives, programmatic contents and ministerial figures of the next executive with respect to the name of the head of government.

But what appears more likely at the moment in prospect – in case Fico's exploratory mandate is successful – is a Conte ter government.

Although there are those who do not rule out that it may eventually be Fico the head of the government or Luigi Di Maio.

Certainly not a new parliamentary group like the one mentioned in recent days by Conte (“liberal, popular, pro-European”) was born, which had to support the other parties and perhaps – according to the intentions of the resigning premier – replace Italia Viva.

It remains to be seen whether the 5 Star Movement will be compact in the line expressed at the Quirinale by Vito Crimi.

The first reactions of Barbara Lezzi (“We need a vote of the members”), Nicola Morra (“ I read that we are more doretei than dorotei, I don't “) and Alessandro Di Battista presage splits, if not real splits.

“I note that today the line has changed. I haven't changed my mind. Going back to sit with Renzi means committing a great political mistake and I would say historical. It means putting yourself back in the hands of a professional "stabber" who, feeling even more powerful than before, will increase the number of stab wounds. I've always thought so and I think so even now. If the Movement were to return to the previous line I am there. Otherwise, goodbye and thanks ”. Thus , in a post on Facebook, Alessandro Di Battista threatens the split, after the reopening of the Movement to Italia Viva announced by Vito Crimi.

Fico has until February 2 for the exploratory mandate.

Other than "lightning crisis" and "Mattarella is in a hurry" , as written far and wide by the quirinalists in recent days.

(article being updated)



“Italy, like all countries in every part of the world, is facing new, dangerous, offensives from the pandemic, to be defeated with a widespread, decisive vaccination campaign.

In addition to this emergency, there is a serious social crisis, with many of our fellow citizens in serious difficulty, and heavy consequences for our economy. These further emergencies can only be faced through the rapid and effective use of the large resources prepared by the European Union.

As is evident, the three emergencies – health, social, economic – require immediate government measures.

It is therefore necessary to give life – soon – to a government, with adequate parliamentary support, in order not to leave our country exposed to events in this moment so decisive for its fate.

From the talks held here at the Quirinale – in these thirty-two hours – with the political and parliamentary forces, the prospect of a political majority emerged, made up of the groups that supported the previous government.

This availability – manifested to me during the consultations – must however, dutifully, be verified in its concrete practicability.

To this end, I will adopt – immediately – an initiative.



What Lega, Fratelli d'Italia and Forza Italia have asked Mattarella

Here is the economic policy agenda of a serious government. Polillo's analysis

I'll explain Renzi's real institutional gaffe at the Quirinale. The Damato note

Conte, Zingaretti and the Pd undecided about everything. Polillo's point

How the League will move with Forza Italia after Conte 2. Sacchi's italics

Scalfari drops Conte and favors Gentiloni. The Damato note

Errors, fixations and ambitions by Giuseppe Conte. Polillo's comment

I'll tell you about the 5-star torments of Conte, Di Maio, Fico and Crimi. The Scratches of Damato

Conte, Renzi, the CEI and the Jesuits. Mainardi's italics

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/fico-governo-m5s-pd-italia-viva-e-leu-2-febbraio/ on Fri, 29 Jan 2021 18:28:48 +0000.