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Forza Italia’s hot coals: what to do with Conte?

Forza Italia's hot coals: what to do with Conte?

The turmoil in Forza Italia between governmental thrusts and Salvinian anxieties, in addition to the Brunetta-Riformista case …

It has at least the curious, if not the sensational, the generous and pleased hospitality granted to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte by the deputy and head of economic policy of Forza Italia Renato Brunetta as director of the Monday edition of the Riformista : a position that however has left immediately after closing due to a complained traffic jam, so to speak, a "beautiful, albeit short, adventure", which actually lasted only four issues, "cost so much effort and a lot of intelligence", wrote the interested party, proudly defining the "little gem" his creature.

Conte had "honored" Brunetta – the word of Brunetta himself – by showing that he somehow gathered his solicitations for a turning point. "Political forces – he had written , defending however all the decisions adopted by his government, recently challenged in an interview with Corriere della Sera by the President of the Senate – should not today hesitate to work together, with a constructive spirit, favoring a frank and sincere dialogue . The contribution of everyone, the majority and the opposition, is fundamental, as is the role of Parliament in designing the great reforms and changes that Italy cannot postpone ”.

But with or without the permission of the grillini ?, you want to ask the Prime Minister, who is in Palazzo Chigi thanks to them and has to suffer every day, I would say every hour, the conditioning deriving from their divisions, to say the least. The 5 Star MoVement, between governists and anti-governmentists, between Luigi Di Maio and Alessandro Di Battista and Davide Casaleggio, all in any case in agreement in the refusal of European credits for the strengthening of the health and related services, has come to the brink of a split.

Again in the article written for the Economist Reform, Conte had granted the grillini, also finding himself with the more sovereign part of the League, the rejection of a "fideistic Europeanism", preferring "a critical approach".

In this objective confusion of words and ideas to converge only transversal maneuvers appeared within the majority and opposition lines, perhaps not unrelated to Brunetta's sudden renunciation of management.

Conte clearly wants a forced aid, also given the very shaky numbers in the Senate. And at least some of the force forces want to give it to him even at the cost of displacing his ally Salvini. To whom Brunetta, replacing Mattarella a little, had explicitly written that in the event of a crisis there will be no early elections claimed by the former Minister of the Interior but to a government "of the President", technical or similar technician, intended to lead however, at the ordinary term the legislature.

Aware of the burning coals of the open dialogue with Conte – also burning within her party – Brunetta had tried to protect herself by opening her "editorial" with a "full" sharing of the hypercritical interview with the same Count of the President of the Senate Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati , notoriously forced: an interview rudely dismissed by the Prime Minister by telling reporters that he had not read it.

I would like to be a fly to hear the President of the Senate comment on this whole story at least curious, I repeat.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/i-carboni-ardenti-di-forza-italia-che-si-fa-con-conte/ on Tue, 13 Oct 2020 04:19:14 +0000.