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Fuzzy chatter not only about Mattarella and Meloni

Fuzzy chatter not only about Mattarella and Meloni

Facts and talk on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Damato's Scratches

Democracy or circumstances, whichever you prefer, offer Americans the unprecedented spectacle of a former president, Donald Trump, eager to run again to return to the White House but now under "arrest", albeit virtual, with 34 charges against him. On this other side of the ocean we have the spectacle of a Russia that has been stubborn for more than a year in scorching Ukraine by now betting more on the internal divisions of the western line-up in favor of the attacked than on the strength of its troops and arsenals. And, as far as we are concerned, an Italy reduced to the land of "chatter", according to the merciless title of the Foglio , which nevertheless contributes to producing them with more widespread newspapers thinking of influencing the atmosphere, let's call it that.

It is a bleak reality proved by the headlines of the newspapers, perhaps the same ones, drawn among those of the last 24 hours, no more. Thus we pass from a Europe on the verge or tempted to deny us the third installment of financing of the recovery and resilience plan, due to the delays accumulated in its implementation, and instead "open" to the needs of the Italian executive, as the Corriere della Sera , or to the "more flexibility" indicated by the Truth of the always intolerant and skeptical Maurizio Belpietro.

We have also gone from a Matteo Salvini determined to challenge his ally Giorgia Meloni at Palazzo Chigi, demanding the renunciation of part of the recovery plan to seize the opportunity to reduce spending due to delays, to a Northern League leader who surrendered to the same Meloni, as La Stampa headlines, and he too decided to "spend everything", according to the aforementioned Corriere della Sera .

Let's not talk about Mattarella's protest against the attempt by the suddenly united opposition to throw his jacket at him against the government: a protest that quickly disappeared from the news like a chat. And Marco Travaglio decided to participate more talkatively than usual in the chatter, drawing on the Fatto Quotidiano "the lesson" from the electoral results in Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Which demonstrated how "people don't care about cold talk about alliances but are very interested in candidates and strong identities". “With Fedriga – the nostalgic Conte noticed at Palazzo Chigi – the right had both. The Democratic Party and the M5S, in the territories, have opposite handicaps: the first has too much of the ruling class, almost always detested; the second one no longer has it, or not yet. Schlein must dismantle it and renew it from the ground up. Conte (with the new regional contacts) must invent it from scratch ". But "they must do it – admonished Travaglio- separately, to mark their respective identities, now that the opposition does not oblige them to ally", as instead they often try to do more less openly, or covertly, as you prefer. Talk too, these, I repeat.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/le-chiacchiere-fuffose-non-solo-su-mattarella-e-meloni/ on Wed, 05 Apr 2023 06:07:50 +0000.