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Green pass, what the government decided

Green pass, what the government decided

The updated point on the extension of the Green pass. The latest news

The new decree introducing the Green pass into the world of work provides for penalties ranging from 600 to 1,500 euros.

This is what the government explained during the meeting with Regions, Municipalities and Provinces.

The sanction would concern both those who do not show the green certificate and those who omit the checks.

Not only that: the Green pass is also mandatory for those who work in voluntary associations.

Furthermore, from 15 October to 31 December 2021, the expiry date of the state of emergency, the Green pass will be mandatory for access to all public and private workplaces, even for workers outside the administration or the company.

The draft of the decree law on the "super" Green pass, still subject to changes in the Council of Ministers, is made up of 8 articles, with some rules still incomplete, and governs the obligation to enter the workplace, for all employees and also for those who access those places to carry out their "work and training activity".

Meanwhile, before the council of ministers approving the decree, the regions are making themselves heard with a proposal.

Provide a further control of the prices of tampons and the validity of their outcome from 48 to 72 hours. According to what is learned from regional sources, this is what was proposed to the government by the president of the Conference of Regions Massimiliano Fedriga during the meeting on the new decree that extended the use of the green pass.

The goal, explained Fedriga (Lega), is to "reduce social tensions and accompany citizens towards a responsible choice, that of protecting their own health and that of the community, without fueling frontal conflicts and radical clashes".

But what does the extension of the Green pass foresee at the moment, before the measure reaches the Council of Ministers?

The scheme of the decree says that the obligation of the green pass will be extended to all workers, public and private, starting from October. Already 13.9 million have green certification, but 4.1 million are missing.

In the public sector there are two million, between health and school personnel, the state who must show the pass: with the enlargement, the remaining slice will also be taken in. There are about 1.2 million workers employed in ministries and local authorities and among these it is estimated that 300 thousand are not vaccinated.

The number of workers employed in the private sector is much wider. But for the government the distinction is only formal.

"The principle underlying the extension of the green pass – explain sources of the executive – is that of uniformity and for this an organic measure will be made".

The measures that accompany the extension of the obligation also have this trace: the sanctions will be the same as those already in force for the school, i.e. the suspension from work, with an adjoining salary stop, after five days of unjustified absence because possession of the green certificate.

Workers who do not have the pass – and this is a point that the unions have obtained – cannot be fired. The tampons, it was said, will be borne by the workers. Here, too, the school model will be followed, therefore the price will be reduced to 15 euros.

On the other hand, those unable to vaccinate for health reasons will be excluded from the payment.

(article updated at 16.20)

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/green-pass-governo/ on Thu, 16 Sep 2021 14:44:45 +0000.