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Here are the issues on the table for the renewal of the metalworkers’ contract

Here are the issues on the table for the renewal of the metalworkers' contract

The point on the renewal of the metalworkers' contract in the intervention of Roberto Benaglia, general secretary of Fim Cisl

Emilian stage, yesterday in Bologna today in Reggio Emilia, for the negotiation of the renewal of the Metalworkers Contract. On the table, vocational training, the labor market and active and procurement policies.

There is a need for continuing vocational training to become the driving force of the metalworking sector.

With the last contract we made an important innovation by introducing the subjective right to training. What has been missing is its effective and concrete application.

However, we cannot be satisfied with how the extension of the subjective right to training has gone: we need contractual rules that give certainty.

Because the collectability of what has been agreed is fundamental for bringing the contract to life and an indicator of the seriousness of industrial relations.

We can also think of opening up to new methods and dedicated tools for a better use of the 24 hours of training provided, to make the theme clear and certain by making the training proposal accessible and better usable, starting from the dissemination of transversal skills in addition to the related aspects to skills.

Equally fundamental is the aspect of the certification of skills. We need to find shared contractual solutions to prevent information systems replacing the role of the counterparties.

For example: building guidelines that help access to vocational training and strengthening dual training, starting with professionalized apprenticeships. On the subject of the labor market, the greatest worries of workers today are with respect to the stability of jobs.

It is a theme that must be within the new contract, building solutions that give answers to workers for the next few years, regardless of the legislative aspects and on which we can intervene with the contract. As well as the issue of flexibility on which a contractual governance must be found.

On the subject of active policies and the generational relay, we can take on instruments in the contract that can give support to a legislative framework that is currently lacking, but more courage and desire to do is needed. On the topics of these two days in Emilia, central to the changing world of work, especially in this uncertain historical phase, we expected more from Federmeccanica both in terms of content and availability.

We need greater conviction on the part of everyone, the contract represents an element of stability which in the uncertainty we are experiencing is fundamental for workers and companies.

The next meetings will be held in Rome on 7 and 8 October next on wages, welfare and employment.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/ecco-i-temi-sul-tavolo-per-il-rinnovo-del-contratto-dei-metalmeccanici/ on Thu, 24 Sep 2020 13:40:36 +0000.