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Here are the latest BNL fools with the unions

Here are the latest BNL fools with the unions

The unions accuse BNL of obstructing the strike called on December 27 against the Accenture and Capgemini dossiers. All the details and the "letter" against "Santa Claus GianFi", which in reality would be….

Tensions in Bnl (Bnp Paribas group) are increasingly bitter.

The trade unions FABI, FIRST CISL, FISAC CGIL, UILCA and UNISIN have called a strike day for the workers of the Bnl banking group for Monday 27 December. But the bank – the unions state in a statement – "is trying to obstruct the only tool, the strike, which gives a voice to the weaker party: female workers".

As already explained by Start Magazine , the strike concerns the plan of BNL, controlled by the French group BNP Paribas, which downsizes the bank's workforce: it envisages "the outsourcing of 900 workers and the consequent closure of branches and administrative offices".


“In fact”, the acronyms continue, “there were many difficulties in providing the link for participation in remote meetings, even if provided for by a national agreement for the sector”.

BNL, for example, is organizing "task forces of temporary workers in force in some offices to replace the strikers" and preventing "workers who request them from revoking their day off on December 27 in order to exercise the constitutionally guaranteed right to strike ".


The managing director of BNL, Elena Goitini, is accused of issuing "nice words", when the company does not actually show "any respect for the women and men who work at the company and a late nineteenth-century bossy attitude". A "filth" is being perpetrated in the BNL, thundered the general secretary of Fabi, Lando Maria Sileoni, during the national council of the banking federation.


“We asked the company to immediately revoke the top-down order that prevents the exercise of the right to strike, asking to give us immediate feedback,” the trade union secretariats say.


Sunday FABI, FIRST CISL, FISAC CGIL, UILCA and UNISIN issued a sarcastic statement addressed – according to the reconstruction of Startmag – to Gianfilippo Pandolfini , deputy general manager and chief operating officer of BNL, nicknamed "Santa GianFi", imagining a meeting of the executive with his "goblins' subordinates" on the plans of society towards them.

Below is the full text:

Christmas is approaching and the beloved Santa GianFi has decided to instruct his "elves-subordinates" in order to organize meetings in all the Back-Office offices!

The message is clear: “Dear colleagues and dear colleagues, they will be happy holidays for you, full of news! New Year's barrels will be special for you! The stockings of the Befana will not contain chocolate (which, as you well know, hurts you !!!), but rather the letter of the beginning of the "well served" procedure … so that from April 1st (a random date  -ndr) you will have the honor of being kicked out, together with your colleagues in IT, from this great company in which you have all and all served with seriousness, commitment and maximum dedication for years and years!

“Come on… don't make a fuss! Your splendid and healthy company, which loves and esteems you so much, will throw you away with some change in your pockets (those provided by law !!! – ed)!

“Come on, don't make a fuss! Your splendid and healthy company has found its place in fantastic companies … but your future is uncertain because you can be sold and bought and sold and bought and resold and repurchased countless times by other companies that will always give you a little less each time ".

"In short! Shut up and shut up and Be good ”!

Santa GianFi was so generous in communicating everything well in advance … everything he would have decided on his own initiative without confronting the trade unions …

So, dear Santa GianFi… NO! It's not like that!

This is not good:
• is not respectful towards the workers who have given their best in this company for years,
• is not respectful of the history of trade union relations that have existed for years in this company (and luckily one of the pillars on which the group claims to be founded is social dialogue !!!),
• is not respectful of the CCNL that your BNL has also signed!

But, after all, you are in a hurry to bring home your beautiful project, to collect the good remuneration and the hefty prize that you will surely have already contracted with the CEO of BNL … the company that will not change for you …

… Unlike the roughly 900 workers you are kicking out!

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/bnl-sindacati-sciopero-27-dicembre/ on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 10:44:21 +0000.