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Here are the upcoming rules for electric scooters

Here are the upcoming rules for electric scooters

The House and the Senate have recently started the discussion on two bills to regulate the use of scooters: the possibility of driving only from 18 years, no use after sunset and the obligation to wear a helmet

Helmet, insurance, speed limits and prohibitions. The rules also come for electric scooters. Parliament is working on it, as part of the reform of the Highway Code , which has been working for about 10 years. All the details.


The House and the Senate have recently started the discussion on two bills, the Ddl C 2675 and the Ddl S 2140 , with rules that regulate the use of electric scooters, from monowheel to hoverboards and segways. These are vehicles that are currently equated to bicycles, as an experimental phase introduced by the 2019 Budget law.


To represent the most important change compared to today is the fact that the driving of scooters, unlike bicycles, could be reserved for those who have reached the age of 18, as reported by Il Sole 24 Ore.


There is also the obligation to wear a helmet and a reflective jacket. Time limits could also be introduced: a ban on driving with electric scooters (and other similar means) after sunset has been proposed.


The speed limit of 20 km / h should also be confirmed (confirming that of the DM) and the possibility of circulating only on urban roads with a limit of 30 km / h, as well as on cycle paths. There will be a ban on parking on pavements, with the possibility of forced removal. No parking on the sidewalks, under penalty of removal.


We are also thinking of a possible insurance coverage, a sort of RC car for scooters, as proposed by the ministry technicians already in 2019, but never implemented.

All this, however, specifies the Sole 24 Ore , will be "evaluated also in the light of the innovations introduced in 2020 to facilitate the circulation of bicycles, such as" urban cycle roads "(with a speed limit of 30 km / h and priority to these vehicles ), "Cycle lanes" (a hybrid between normal carriageway and reserved lane), which can be authorized by the mayor in the opposite direction also on urban roads with a speed limit of up to 30 km / h or in parts of Ztl etc. ".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/smartcity/tutte-le-regole-in-arrivo-per-i-monopattini-elettrici/ on Tue, 20 Apr 2021 04:27:21 +0000.