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Here is the new Cdp organization chart signed by Scannapieco

Here is the new Cdp organization chart signed by Scannapieco

All the latest news on the reorganization of Cdp wanted by the managing director Scannapieco. What emerges from the service orders

The new course of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) of Dario Scannapieco, who assumed the positions of Chief Executive Officer and General Manager last May, continues .

As learned from Startmag , in order to facilitate the achievement of the objectives set in the 2022-2024 strategic plan, Cdp has implemented changes to the “Communication, external relations and sustainability” department, led by Marco Santarelli .

News that follow those announced in recent days for other directions ( here all the details in the Startmag article ).


Specifically, the area previously known as “Institutional and Territorial Affairs” has been renamed “Institutional Relations” and entrusted to Linda Cecconi, who will have the task of managing CDP's relations with national and territorial institutions.

Cecconi entered the Institutional Affairs area of ​​Cdp two years ago. As Prima Comunicazione wrote, he has a degree in International Relations, a PhD in Public Law and a Masters in Business Administration. He has worked in Confindustria (in the secretariat of the Young Entrepreneurs), in the European Politics and Foreign Affairs Committee of the Senate, in the AGCM and in the European Commission. Later he was part of the cabinet of the Ministry of Economic Development when it was headed by Carlo Calenda. Leaving her post in August 2018, in November of the same year she became general director of Anitec-Assinform, the information technology association that is part of Confindustria.


Within a wider restructuring of the “Sustainability” area (renamed “Sustainability and civil society”), entrusted ad interim to Marco Santarelli, three sub-divisions have been created.

The first, now called “Development, monitoring and sustainability reporting”, continues to be led by Simona Melchiorri.

The second, "Civil Society", is under the interim responsibility of Santarelli.

The third and final division, "Artistic and cultural heritage", is led by Sabrina Fiorino.

Melchiorri, a graduate in Economics from the Alma Mater University of Bologna, has been in charge of the Sustainability Development and Monitoring Unit (now Sustainability Development, Monitoring and Reporting) since September 2018. Fiorino, on the other hand, alongside his role as executive in Cdp, is also historic art and restorer, as well as being on the board of directors of ITsART, the platform that – in the intentions of Minister Dario Franceschini – should have been "the Netflix of Italian culture" ( here the in-depth study by Startmag ).


Marco Battaglia's “Communications & Engagement” area also recorded news. In addition to the name change – “Communication, identity and contents” – it was in fact divided into various units. The one previously known as “Web & Digital Communications” has become “Identity, promotion and digital communication” and assigned to Giovanna Di Francesco. Among its further subdivisions is Annachiara Palazzo's “Content Production and Internal Communication” (formerly “Content Factory”).

Giovanna Di Francesco worked for Eni from 2012 to 2018 as head of commercial communication; from March 2018 to January 2019 she was in Consulcesi Group, first as Group Project Manager and then, for a short period, as Communication and Media Director. In March 2019 she joined CDP as Head of Brand, Advertising & Promotion.

Annachiara Palazzo has been Head of Content Factory of Cdp since May 2011.


Elena Shneiwer has obtained the responsibility of the “Stakeholder engagement” area, unpublished, as well as having assumed the ad interim leadership of the “Sponsorships and partners” sub-unit.

Shneiwer has been Head of Stakeholder & People Engagement of Cdp since September 2019; previously he held various positions in the Axa insurance group, up to the position of Head of Corporate Responsibility, Thought Leadership & Public Affairs of Axa Italia (2017-2019).

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/cdp-scannapieco-nuove-nomine/ on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 14:54:41 +0000.