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Here’s how and why the northern regions beat the government on local public transport

Here's how and why the northern regions beat the government on local public transport

What happens between regions and government on local public transport. Marco Foti's speech

It was time. We have been writing this for seven months, highlighting the various critical issues: physical distancing, service offer, load capacity, unique rules on planning and governance, economy and efficiency of accounts, transfers to companies.

During the question time of 28 October in the Chamber, the Prime Minister stated that the Regions have used only "120 million of the 300" made available to strengthen the local public sector. Minister De Micheli on the same wavelength, highlighting that the Regions "confirmed that they have already increased the means for the sections of greatest demand using 120 of the 300 million made available by the Government, which allowed the use, and the putting on line, of 2 thousand additional private means of transport. Local authorities have confirmed that they have strengthened controls by staff, especially on the docks, where in our inspection activity we have verified that there is greater criticality. They are all aware that 180 million euros are still available between now and the end of the year. I think it is good, first of all, to complete the use of the resources made available and then, in 2021, to further increase them “.

Everyone will think that everything has been resolved. Well no.

In a joint note from the regional councilors for transport of Lombardy, Veneto, Piedmont, Liguria and Friuli Venezia Giulia sent to the press the day after the question time, the exact opposite of what was declared in the Chamber was learned.

The transport councilors recall that "We have repeatedly reiterated to the government that state funding for local public transport for the health emergency (500 + 400 million) is not sufficient to cope with the enhancement of services and the reduction of company revenues by Tpl. It is therefore surprising that Minister De Micheli claims that he has not received requests for additional resources from the Regions: our position has been brought to the attention of the executive in all useful fora including formal meetings, not least that of last August 30, without it being understood that the Regions are asking the government to seriously address the issue of public transport from the end of March ”.

In essence, this is what we have been supporting since illo tempore.

So, where is the short circuit located, always if there is a short circuit?

To the user, who every morning is busy using public transport to reach their destination, this does not matter. The user cares that the means (bus, tram, metro or train that is) is first of all, that the conditions indicated by the Cts before and by the MIT after are respected, in terms of physical (and not social) distance, gathering, sanitizer dispensers and so on.

Because unfortunately, as we have already abundantly highlighted, the public transport system is not easily accessible in safe conditions during peak hours. We must always remember that the movements of people are protected by the right to mobility (Article 16 of the Italian Constitution).

It is learned that a meeting at MIT with all stakeholders will be scheduled shortly. Well, we are sure that Minister De Micheli will be able to seize this opportunity to start a serious process of general reorganization of the public transport sector in Italy, left to itself for too long and at the mercy of the events that characterize the Italian territory.

Gone are the days when "you have to put a patch" to repair the damage suffered. A strategic vision of the whole system is needed. The pandemic will probably radically change the habits of travel, the demand for mobility will undergo a significant alteration.

The time has come to intervene in a structural and coordinated way by providing guidelines to the firm and certain regions for a prompt restart, supported by economic measures adequate to the extraordinary nature of the historical period.

I still believe it. And you?

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/smartcity/perche-le-regioni-del-nord-picchiano-il-governo-sul-trasporto-pubblico-locale/ on Fri, 30 Oct 2020 14:00:23 +0000.