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Here’s how Vodafone’s staff will be cut in Italy

Here's how Vodafone's staff will be cut in Italy

The top management of Vodafone Italia with Slc, Fistel and Uilcom and the Rsu have reached an agreement for the shared management of 1003 potential redundancies through voluntary instruments and solidarity. Facts, numbers and insights

Stop (for the moment) a thousand layoffs for Vodafone Italy.

Last April, the British telephone group had launched the collective redundancy procedure in our country for personnel reduction for a total of 1,003 units, equal to 20% of Vodafone's workforce in Italy, as part of a broader global restructuring plan , out of a total audience of 5598 workers.

Yesterday Vodafone Italia and the national trade union organizations of the telecommunications sector — Slc, Fistel and Uilcom — and the trade unions reached an agreement on the contents of the agreement for the shared management of the 1,003 potential redundancies, through the adoption of sustainable tools for employees and for the company.

The hypothetical agreement, explains the company, has "the objective of implementing the plan for profound transformation and modernization of the company operating model, to continue to invest and compete in a sustainable way, in order to strengthen the relationship with customers" .

The word now passes to the workers. The latter will have to express themselves on the hypothesis of an agreement in the meetings that will take place next week, in view of the meeting already set with the Ministry of Labor on 22 June, during which the outcome of the consultation will be communicated.

All the details of the hypothetical agreement which provides for a mix of social safety nets for one year, early retirement, a multi-year professional retraining path and a system of voluntary exits over the course of 2023.


The agreement envisages professional retraining courses for the coverage of roles necessary for the transformation process and for the insourcing of activities currently outsourced, through the enhancement of the professionalism present within the company perimeter, for 300 employees in 2 years.

“The process which will end by 31 December 2025 – explains the joint note from Slc, Fistel and Uilcom – is linked to an integrated system of re-internalisation of activities and coverage of vacant positions through the enhancement of internal professionalism.

The redevelopment paths are accompanied by all the tools available for exits.


The agreement provides for voluntary mobility through incentives defined on the basis of age, length of service and membership times to accompany relocation into the labor market, including the extension of company healthcare assistance (Fsio) for 24 months. In addition, the company will provide outplacement and consultancy services to employees interested in starting entrepreneurial, commercial or self-employed professional activities, together with specific training courses.


For 50 male and female workers, who were to reach the pension requirement until 31 March 2029, the possibility will be given to access the five-year pension slide provided for by art. 4 L92/2012, with a further flat-rate company contribution of 3,000 euros for each year of isopensione.


After that, a solidarity contract is envisaged with a monthly hourly reduction of 25% for the call center and 5% for the other functions within the agreed corporate perimeter. The solidarity contract will have a duration of 12 months until 30 June 2024, which can be extended for a further 6 months by agreement with the trade union organisations.


Employees affected by the 25% reduction in working hours will be involved in training courses on topics such as Customer Centricity, Data Analytics and collaboration tools.

Furthermore, by way of compensation for the loss of wages deriving from the social shock absorber in use, workers will be granted: 100% integration for training days, with integration also on the thirteenth month rate; ticket restaurant recognized for all days; achievement award recognized in full with shock absorber impact sterilization.

Finally, the company and the trade union organizations have agreed on a process of constant monitoring of the implementation of the agreement, at national and territorial level, with the aim of guaranteeing consistent management of the tools envisaged and of the redevelopment plan, specifies Vodafone Italia .


"An understanding, certainly of a defensive nature, which saw the trade union delegation primarily committed to avoiding a dramatic outcome in the absence of an agreement" commented Slc, Fistel and Uilcom, concluding that "The attempt to continue to focus on professional retraining, transforming skills of workers towards those new activities that the market and digitization require, is the demonstration of an awareness that bargaining must be the key tool to accompany the transformation paths of the telecommunications sector".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/ecco-come-il-personale-di-vodafone-sara-tagliato/ on Fri, 16 Jun 2023 13:36:43 +0000.