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How and why Di Maio will show Conte the stars

How and why Di Maio will show Conte the stars

How Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio is agitated and why Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte cannot be too serene

Of course, to stay at Corriere della Sera , where the director himself took the field yesterday to distance himself from the doubts attributed to the President of the Republic on the government reshuffle, strongly opposed by the Prime Minister, does not seem very auspicious, so to speak. , the cartoon by Emilio Giannelli that evokes a bit for Giuseppe Conte the funeral of Diego Armando Maradona. Which are still full, for controversy and so on, the news reports and television schedules.

Even less auspicious is the interview granted by Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio to the same Corriere , which cannot really be said to converge with the warning raised against the reshuffle, and any other inconvenient initiative for Conte, by the head of the grillina delegation to the government Alfonso Bonafede: the keeper who took over from Di Maio.

When he says that more than the reshuffle he sees as a danger "vetoes on Recovery", that is, on the use of European recovery funds, with allusions both to internal discussions on how to manage them, with hundreds of experts whose same number is a problem, both to the doubts, concerns and anything else in the Union about the delays with which Italy knows how to move, Di Maio practically gives the impression, rightly or wrongly, that he is at least interested in a reshuffling of cards in the majority. Maybe it intertwines with the final phase of the phantom general states, in their own congressional way, of the 5 Star Movement in which to make it resume at least in part, if not completely, the lost power in favor of a now stressed and worn out Vito Crimi. We will see if and with what support of the "hard and pure" Alessandro Di Battista, who managed to stay or resume relations with Di Maio.

While he certainly does not lack international practices to deal with at the Foreign Ministry, Di Maio is actually all occupied with internal affairs. And he distills his sortie with cunning in all possible and imaginable directions. It moves from right to left like a top: to the right, for example, in today's interview with Corriere , as he had already done in recent days on the sheet, earning the applause and the promotion of a demanding professor like the force fighter Renato Brunetta with a ' openness to rethinking on the so-called citizenship income, given the additional damage rather than the benefits derived from the fight against poverty.

Now, although misunderstood by the director of Domani Stefano Feltri, who must have remained stuck with news of a few hours old, Di Maio has discovered all the dangers of the property tax proposed by the government left, ensuring that the grillini will never, ever do it. pass, as in other ways they will let the European credits of the bailout fund, albeit reformed, be used to strengthen the national and induced health service.

The mobility and at the same time fixity of Di Maio are now such that even the sheet begins to doubt it. That the interest and the caresses of recent days was followed today by a poisoned note about a double game, or thereabouts, that the Foreign Minister would be doing with "the two Mattei", Renzi and Salvini, in strict order alphabetical, certainly not to make Giannelli's “prince charming” sleep soundly.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/come-e-perche-di-maio-fara-vedere-le-stelle-a-conte/ on Tue, 01 Dec 2020 05:53:28 +0000.