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How and why Leonardo will focus on digital logistics

How and why Leonardo will focus on digital logistics

Leonardo wants to acquire a majority stake in the digital logistics company, through the subsidiary Vitrociset. The company is the concessionaire for the management and development of the national logistics platform. All the details

Leonardo stepped forward to acquire a majority stake in the digital logistics company, through the subsidiary Vitrociset .

As Il Sole 24 Ore wrote "on 24 March the CEO of Leonardo, Alessandro Profumo, sent a letter to the Minister of Infrastructures, Enrico Giovannini, in which he expressed the group's desire to acquire a majority stake in the Logistics company digital, through the subsidiary Vitrociset ".

Logistica Digitale srl is the Concessionaire Project Company established pursuant to the Concession Agreement stipulated with UIRNet SpA (implementing body of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport) for the management and development of the "National Logistics Platform" and the marketing of related services.

Logistica Digitale Srl had to manage the platform for twenty years against an initial investment of approximately 25 million euros.

But the project of the national logistics platform is also struggling due to the legal battle that has arisen between Uirnet (the grantor) and Logistica Digitale Srl (the concessionaire).

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr) envisages interventions to “make the port community systems (PCS) of the individual Port System Authorities compatible with each other and with the national strategic platform UIRNet”.

Already during the hearing on the Recovery plan in Parliament, Alessandro Profumo had declared that "Leonardo has developed over time the skills to give the country a structured support" and "his strategy is perfectly in line" with the NRP.

Now in the letter sent to the minister, Profumo states it openly: “Leonardo can bring the right systemic approach to the digitalization process of the national logistics network”.

All the details on the accounts and shareholders of Logistica Nazionale Srl.


“From Leonardo comes a push that could be decisive for accelerating the digital transformation process of Italian logistics – writes Il Sole 24 Ore – and finally completing the National Logistics Platform. The ambitious project conceived by the Ministry of Infrastructures to network ports, interports, railway stations and goods centers, simplifying the communication processes between operators ”.


The objective of the platform, developed by UIRNet spa, is to connect modal interchange nodes, ports, freight centers, goods centers and logistic plates with carriers, improving the efficiency and safety of Italian logistics and simplifying communication processes. between operators and organizations.

Last September, a control room was set up at the MIT to assist the board of directors of UIRNet Spa, the sole actuator of the MIT, in the new Digital and National Logistics Platform Project.

It was a “change of pace” in the activities and in the decision-making strategy for the realization and management of the Pln. Since Uirnet and Logisitica Digitale srl have been involved in a legal dispute since last February.


Logistica Digitale srl is the Concessionaire Project Company established pursuant to the Concession Agreement stipulated with UIRNet SpA for the management and extension of the "National Logistics Platform" and the marketing of related services.


"The assignment dates back to 2017, but since then the project has remained largely on paper, even following a judicial battle that broke out between Uirnet and digital logistics" underlined Il Sole 24 Ore.


Logistica Digitale is 80% controlled by Enterprise services Italia and owned by Fai service and Vitrociset (Leonardo) with 10% each.

Enterprise services Italia is a company of the DXC Technology group, born in 2017 from the merger of Computer Science Corporation and the Enterprise Services division of Hewlett-Packard Enterprise. DXC is one of the leading global players in the service sector.

The company is led by the CEO Fabrizio Perrone, while Lorenzo Greco, Country General Manager of DXC Italy, chairs the board of directors.


Logistica Digitale Srl recorded a turnover of € 2,822,112 as of March 31, 2020 2020, an increase compared to € 1,996,644 in the same period of 2019. But in the latest financial statements there is a deep red: the loss stands at 4,031,022 euros (an increase compared to the 2,444,927 euros of the same previous period).

The costs of production amounted to 3,989,335 euros.

The company boasts a total of fixed assets worth € 4,616,102, and a total debt of € 7,938,230.


“Now, however, the letter from Profumo, which Il Sole 24 Ore has come into possession of, shuffles the cards and could make the national logistics platform take off for good. Profumo writes: "Leonardo has worked to give new impetus to the governance of digital logistics, reaching a preliminary agreement between the shareholders which constitutes a valid reference platform on which to shape the right of our subsidiary Vitrociset to acquire a majority stake in digital logistics and at the same time promoting the amicable cessation of the legal dispute that arose between Uirnet and Logistica Digitale itself, which represented one of the main obstacles to the development of the relaunch plan ». Leonardo's proposal, concludes Profumo, "must naturally meet the desirable favor" of the ministry led by Enrico Giovannini.

Furthermore, Leonardo, through its subsidiaries, also holds an 11.296 per cent stake in Uirnet, as Il Sole 24 Ore recalls.


Despite having set aside (at least for now) the listing of the US subsidiary Drs, Leonardo is particularly active in acquisitions.

Thanks to the proceeds of the IPO, the former Finmeccanica intended to prepare a "war chest", funds for the war, resources to "guide European consolidation". As CEO Alessandro Profumo indicated in a recent interview with the Financial Times , the group aims to grow "in the core areas where it already has solid business fundamentals".

Yet the first acquisition of the Piazza Monte Grappa group involved a company specializing in professional masks for the protection of the respiratory tract .

Even the IPO of Drs on stand-by, Leonardo therefore continues with the aims of acquisitions and is now aiming at the logistics sector.

As Digital360 recalled, “the weight of infrastructural and logistic inefficiencies each year varies between 25 and 35 billion euros, equal to 1.5-2% of GDP. In Italy there is a National Logistics Platform (GNP) that could help the recovery of efficiency with values ​​between 7 and 10 billion euros per year, i.e. 7.5% of GDP in the logistics sector and 0.5% of the Italian GDP ".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/smartcity/come-e-perche-leonardo-puntera-logistica-digitale/ on Tue, 06 Apr 2021 05:03:07 +0000.