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How and why Russia flirts with Sudan

How and why Russia flirts with Sudan

Moscow strengthens the Russian presence in Africa, contributing, together with China, to strongly contrast both the French and the American presence

The Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Mishustin, signed the decree allowing the construction of the very important Russian naval infrastructure in Sudan on Friday 25 June.

This agreement was naturally also possible thanks to the intensification of the synergy in the military sphere between Moscow and Khartoum.

From a strategic point of view, this agreement will allow Russia to build a logistics center near Port Sudan in front of the Red Sea and this will give Russia the opportunity to deploy military units.

From a financial point of view, Russian exports to Sudan will only get stronger. In fact, Russia will have the possibility of using Sudanese airport infrastructures to facilitate its exports and imports without customs duties, but above all it will allow the Russian navy to have the first naval base in Africa.

Overall, this agreement strengthens the Russian presence in Africa and, together with the Chinese one, contributes to strongly contrast both the French and the American ones.

It is evident that Russian assertive policy on a global level is deeply opposed by the United States which applies an often indirect strategy to counter Russia for example through Ukraine and through England.

As for Ukraine, on June 24, it imposed a new series of sanctions that will last three years against Russia against those banks that are present in the territories of the so-called people's republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, in Eastern Ukraine. In particular, the sanctions hit 55 Russian banks, which are in addition to those against Russian periodicals such as Lenta, Gazeta and press agencies such as TASS.

As for the posture put in place by England, one cannot fail to refer to the very recent episode that took place in the waters of Cape Fiolent, in the Crimea, by the English warship Defender, which would have entered the territory of the Russian Federation for 3 km.

Faced with this provocation, the Russian Federation's Black Sea fleet opened fire along the English ship's route as a preventive measure. Of extreme interest and political significance is the fact that Ukrainian defense minister Dmytro Kuleba stigmatized the episode by stating how the Russian reaction demonstrates the federation's provocative and aggressive policy in the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov. This reaction is the faithful mirror of the American position.

Well, the continuous and constant exercises of NATO , which for Moscow are naturally provocations, are aimed at containing both Russia and China . As far as England is concerned, there is no doubt that its renewed offensive posture also in the Pacific Indus is aimed at recovering the authority and credibility of British foreign policy which for a long time remained frozen and crushed by that of its American ally.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/come-e-perche-la-russia-amoreggia-con-il-sudan/ on Sat, 26 Jun 2021 08:07:51 +0000.