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How did the government-trade union meeting on pensions go?

How did the government-trade union meeting on pensions go?

I have some doubts that the meeting between the government and the unions on pensions in recent days has been fruitful. Here because. The analysis of the columnist Giuliano Cazzola

The construction site of the pension reform is always open: as Ecclesiastes would say, “there is a time to demolish and one to build”. The yellow-green government provided for the demolition. Draghi tries to rebuild. But the wreckers are vigilant and lurking.


It is difficult to understand what was the purpose of the meeting a few days ago, long awaited and solemnized as a continuity of social dialogue after the rupture of the two- headed general strike , proclaimed with the aim of obtaining answers also in the field of pensions, the only topic on which the unions have formulated proposals, while on the prairies that open with the PNRR they are watching like the stars.


How did the meeting go? A meeting between old friends: “It was decided to finally open the construction site to discuss the reform of the Fornero law. With three comparisons: on outgoing flexibility, on pensions for young people and women and on supplementary pensions. We agreed on the method ”, declared the Secretary General of UIL, Pierpaolo Bombardieri, at the end of the meeting at Palazzo Chigi on pensions, explaining that the confrontation will start after Christmas and tomorrow the calendar will arrive from the Government. “We must give priority to young people and women”, added Luigi Sbarra .


Wasn't a phone call enough? The fact is that both sides know that the positions are distant. The unions have presented a platform that – beyond the terms used – would like to restore the system that Draghi, in 2011 (who does not remember the letter of August 5 with a double signature Draghi-Trichet that sent the already shaky government upside down Berlusconi?), Suggested (with some energy) to change: "It is possible to intervene further in the pension system – it was written in a peremptory way – by making the eligibility criteria for retirement pensions more rigorous and bringing back the age of retirement for women in the private sector quickly in line with that established for the public sector, thus obtaining savings already in 2012 ”. It seems that the Premier is still of that idea and intends to shorten the time for the entry into force of the contribution calculation, especially when, at the start of the treatment, pathways to advance age are taken.


The CGIL, in this regard, has presented a note in which it maintains that a recalculation in this sense of the periods covered by the salary system would result in a reduction in the amount of future pensions. In a note from the Pensions Observatory they developed some hypotheses characterized by a different number of years in the salary regime (those that should be recalculated). "The impact of the contribution recalculation – says the note – decreases with the decrease of the contributory seniority at 31.12.1995, starting from a reduction of 29.3% on the total pension accrued with 15 years of contributory seniority, 18.8% with 10 years of contributory seniority, 3% with 5 years of contributory seniority ".


In the light of the effects reported above with regard to a possible contribution recalculation, the impact on pension expenditure is compared in assessing individual cases, with the exit at 64 years through the contribution recalculation and that at 67 years with the old-age pension. ordinary, estimated on the average life expectancy: 82 years. According to the CGIL, there is a negative difference, for the seniority of 15 or 10 years of contributions at 31.12.1995, respectively, 19,344 euros and 4,251 euros, of opposite sign with a 5-year contribution at 31.12.1995: 5,772 euros. In conclusion, according to the CGIL Observatory, the analyzes proposed show that the contribution recalculation has on average an important negative effect also on mixed positions (with less than 18 years of contributions as of 31.12.1995). In fact, even if an early exit age of 64 is taken as a reference (compared to 59/60 years for the Female Option), the incidence of the recalculation varies according to various factors, the most significant being dictated by the contributions accrued as at 31.12. 1995.


There are further factors that can determine a growing gap with the contribution recalculation, certainly one of these is the dynamics of wages. The contribution recalculation carried out in accordance with the provisions governing the option for the liquidation of the pension treatment also deserves particular attention, if we observe the impact it determines, on the value of the overall pension received over the years, the early exit at 64 years in comparison with the same position liquidated with the old-age pension at 67 years of age. It is clear that this recalculation does not correspond to a criterion of actuarial neutrality when it determines a large difference between the pension amounts paid with the advance at 64 years of age compared to the ordinary exit at 67, if valued up to 82 years (average life expectancy).


So far the CGIL which has discovered what was known and which is adopted precisely in order to link (albeit with a questionable ex post operation) more correctly the amount of the pension to the payments made. Yet it is a logical path: if you retire earlier – especially in the contributory system – you receive on average the treatment for a greater number of years. It is therefore correct and fair that the initial amount is lower, adjusted to the age at which the threshold of retirement is crossed. However, a table is not denied to anyone.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/come-e-andato-lincontro-governo-sindacati-sulle-pensioni/ on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 08:21:26 +0000.