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How embarrassed is the Democratic Party after the Vatican Note on the Zan bill?

How embarrassed is the Democratic Party after the Vatican Note on the Zan bill?

What happens in the Democratic Party headed by Enrico Letta after the "verbal note" delivered to the Italian embassy to the Holy See

With the usual wit mixed with irreverence or blasphemy Sergio Staino has translated the intervention of the Church in the Press not against, as it is widely titled with the usual political approximation, but on a law under consideration in the Senate of parliamentary initiative, disguising himself as St. Peter at the entrance to Paradise. And blocking an LGBT couple – now known acronym of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, with the colors of the rainbow – because, even though they know they are "good and good", they have "problems with the Vatican". One of which "verbal note" delivered to the Italian embassy to the Holy See has shaken the political world by warning of a violation of the Concordat in a provision of the bill that does not exempt private schools from organizing the instituting party, or day, against the homotransphobia.

Among all, the party most shaken by the intervention of the Vatican was the Democratic Party, which was immediately divided between the desire to dialogue with the Church, perhaps by formulating the disputed law differently beyond the Tiber, and that of closing in on a secular defense. so to speak, of the text. In order not to make a mistake, the Catholic secretary Enrico Letta let himself be tempted by both the first and the second path, incurring the derision of the Northern League leader Matteo Salvini. To which it did not seem true to reciprocate the sarcasm with which the evening before, on television, the same Letta had boasted of the votes that the League loses in the polls by being part, with the Democratic Party and the other parties, of Mario Draghi's emergency government.

Contrary to the bill already approved by the House and under discussion in the Senate, Salvini mockingly proposed to the secretary of the Democratic Party to talk about it together to find the knot of settling the dispute opened unexpectedly by the Church. And Letta, who in the meantime hastened to hear the Grillino Foreign Minister, through whose hands the diplomatic note passed, at least "bit his tongue", as Amedeo La Mattina suspected or guessed in the Press . But fortunately, I think, even the secretary of the Democratic Party is the rather thorny issue, net – I repeat – of all the exaggerations fired in the headlines, which went so far as to talk about "war between State and Church", as with the Reformist , the question is was summoned by the Prime Minister himself. To whom the controversy somehow spoiled the party at Cinecittà with the president of the European Commission Ursula von der Layen for the Community approval of the Italian recovery plan .

Draghi's will certainly be a more prudent and secure management of the deal with the Vatican than the parties, currents and undercurrents of the governing majority, despite the fact that the Prime Minister – this must also be admitted – is in a very delicate situation: even at the limits of a conflict of interests that – you will see – someone will try to challenge him among the nostalgics of his predecessor at Palazzo Chigi Giuseppe Conte, who also notoriously has several personal relationships beyond the Tiber. But Draghi is also part of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, personally appointed by the Pope well before he became prime minister.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/quanto-e-imbarazzato-letta-dopo-la-nota-vaticana-sul-ddl-zan/ on Wed, 23 Jun 2021 06:16:38 +0000.