Vogon Today

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How it turns (badly) Propeller

How it turns (badly) Propeller

Elica announces 400 redundancies and closes the Cerreto d'Esi site in the province of Ancona. The speech by Massimiliano Nobis of the Fim-Cisl

The announcement made by the Elica Group of Fabriano for the Cerreto d'Esi site in the province of Ancona, which communicated 400 redundancies out of 600, with the transfer of low-end products and production lines to the Jelcz plant is unacceptable. -Laskowice in Poland and the integration of the high-end business of the Cerreto site into the Mergo plant.

A choice that we do not share in any way. The Group had already carried out a restructuring of the site 10 years ago with the reduction of the workforce that had gone from over 1000 workers in 2010 to the current 600. A restructuring that was already justified by the Group at the time with the need to reduce the costs to increase margins. In the course of this decade, despite the constant reminders of the union, we have recorded little, if not nothing, investments in machinery and people by the Group.

Now we do not accept that once again the blame that they do not have is unloaded on the workers. We ask the company to immediately open a discussion table to work on the reorganization of the work organization and together evaluate the spaces for recovery of margins, in parallel, however, an investment plan is needed on machinery and on people because the sacrifices made in the latter ten years from female workers and workers are not lost. Today we will demonstrate with a garrison in front of the Cerreto d'Esi plant and in the coming days we will evaluate any other protest initiatives, we invite all local authorities to support this dispute and work to ensure that the company retraces its steps.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/come-gira-male-elica/ on Thu, 01 Apr 2021 14:04:24 +0000.