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How the integration into Intesa Sanpaolo will happen for Ubi employees

How the integration into Intesa Sanpaolo will happen for Ubi employees

The deepening of Emanuela Rossi

The merger between Intesa Sanpaolo and Ubi Banca continues after the Opas launched last year by the group led by Carlo Messina. The first agreement was signed yesterday to integrate the approximately 15,000 employees of Ubi and bring the Ca 'de Sass group to 75,500 workers in Italy and approximately 100,000 globally. The negotiation, which led to an understanding between the company and the trade union delegations of Fabi, First Cisl, Fisac ​​Cgil, Uilca and Unisin on the terms of the economic and regulatory treatments, began on 11 February last. The chapters on pensions and health are still open and will be discussed as part of the renewal of the company contract, which expires on 31 December.


A specific agreement was dedicated to the performance bonus for 2021 which, as stated in the signed document, "is aimed at all staff in permanent service (including those with a professionalizing apprenticeship contract)" excluding employees with managerial roles and area directors. "In order to guarantee the recognition of the professionalism and commitment of every person in the Group for the implementation of the Plan – it is noted -, the logic of awarding bonuses on the basis of the professional figures covered during the year and the consistency of the individual amounts with the overall structure of the roles and professional figures currently existing within the Group itself ". The Bonus is paid upon the achievement of at least one of these objectives – which are therefore alternative – of additional profitability / productivity which are identified in the increase in the "Gross Income" of Intesa Sanpaolo's Italian perimeter as at 31 December 2021 compared to the same figure as at 31 December December 2020 or the "Net Operating Income" of the Italian perimeter of the group, again as at 31 December 2021 compared to the same figure as at 31 December 2020. The bonus pool is equal to 110 million euros (company cost including direct and indirect charges) and finances these two bonus components, "the measure of which derives from the interpolation of the percentages of achievement of the percentages of budget values ​​of the results identified for each component": a basic bonus (for an overall cost to the companies corresponding to approximately 76 million of the bonus pool) payable at 100% if the group's “Gross Income” is greater than 90% of the budget value; a premium of excellence (for a total cost to be borne by companies for approximately 34 million of the bonus pool), payable at 100% if the "Gross Income" of the group and of all divisions is at least equal to the budget value and if achieved distinctive performances measured on the basis of professional evaluation and specific objectives. It should be added that the bonus pool as a whole is increased up to a maximum of 30% of the initial value in the event that the "Gross Income" exceeds the budget figure by up to 20%.


Remaining in the context of the organization and well-being of workers, the Industrial Relations Protocol already in force provides for a welfare, safety and sustainable development committee, a permanent bilateral body composed of representatives of Intesa Sanpaolo companies and workers. Its functions are part of the comparison on work initiatives of general interest for the group and of analysis and consultation regarding corporate welfare, reconciliation of life and work times, including work organization and corporate productivity. The Committee identifies measures and tools (with related programs) to improve productivity and benefits for workers, while at the same time providing indicators that allow their implementation and monitoring.


The company and trade unions agreed to renew the Innovation Plan defined as the “Welfare Project” and integrated it with parts dedicated to Inclusion and “Disability Management”; use of the life and work time conciliation tools introduced with the second level collective agreement of 3 August 2018; initiatives on Inclusion proposed by the Welfare Committee; increase in the percentage of workers of the new Group who, during 2021, used at least one of the measures provided for in the "Life and work time balance" agreement of 3 August 2018 compared to the percentage of users registered in 2020; increase in the percentage of workers who used Banca del Tempo in 2021 compared to 2020; increase in the percentage of workers who used Voluntary Suspension of Work activity in the current year compared to the previous one.


Among the other elements introduced in the agreements signed yesterday is the new commission on the fight against trade pressures, dedicated to a problem complained more and more often by the unions and that the pandemic – they point out – has helped to feed.

There are also new provisions on meal vouchers for part-timers who do not carry out a meridian interval, the expansion of the possibility of using the Time Bank and the voluntary suspension of work, the doubling of permits for the birth of a child, the elimination of the maximum cost limit charged to the group for parental leave taken by fathers, the introduction of new permits for accompanying children, spouses, partners in civil unions or de facto cohabitants to the emergency room, the increase to 5 thousand euros of the amount for severely handicapped family members.

There is also space for a specific youth package for employees under the age of 30 that improves supplementary pensions, provides a home bonus – for the purchase of the first home of residence – equal to 1,750 euros and a birth bonus of 1,000 euros for each son.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/come-avverra-per-i-dipendenti-di-ubi-lintegrazione-in-intesa-sanpaolo/ on Sun, 18 Apr 2021 13:38:05 +0000.