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How the national fashion contract should be renewed

How the national fashion contract should be renewed

The position of the general secretary of Uiltec, Paolo Pirani, who spoke this morning during the trade union work of the unitary negotiating delegation engaged in the negotiation for the renewal of the CCNL for fashion

The trade unions in the sector this morning, in video connection with each other, took stock of the fashion CCNL, which expired on March 31, 2020, which concerns about 45 thousand companies throughout the country, with almost 400 thousand employees. The next negotiating appointment between the parties is set for February 16.

It is good that the employer counterpart is convinced to favor participatory relationships, rather than others that are affected by nineteenth-century influences.

Sistema Moda Italia has so far expressed a backward position that has neglected the participatory system, favoring one of real entrepreneurial command.

All this is evident in the diffusion of the proposals put forward by the industrialists in the sector with respect to the prospects for corporate restructuring.

The union has asked the outgoing government and will reiterate to the incoming one the need to arrange the extension of the social safety nets and the blocking of layoffs for the whole of 2021.

We could, for example, take innovative paths. These are important opportunities such as those deriving from the expansion contract which envisages accompanying generations of workers with the right qualifications to retirement age and hiring others of young employees. In short, a virtuous 'turn-over' that should be discussed.

How should this be done with respect to the protections of the 'Skills Fund' which provide for a reduction in working hours by virtue of professional training to be carried out. This wealth of possibilities must be explored and not excluded.

The post-pandemic transition cannot be based on a social massacre, but must be based on common and shared choices. Steps must be taken, especially when discussing such an important contract renewal as that of the textile, fashion and clothing sectors.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/come-va-rinnovato-il-contratto-nazionale-della-moda/ on Fri, 05 Feb 2021 14:04:52 +0000.