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How to circulate the circular economy?

How to circulate the circular economy?

The italics of Nunzio Ungiusto

Not making mistakes is always done on time. Knowledge of human processes and activities in these pandemic times has proved extremely indispensable for making decisions. The power that comes from studying puts us in a position not to make mistakes, especially when we decide for others. If Covid-19 has exposed many weaknesses, certainly not only health ones, for the defense of the climate, the environment, the territories in which we live, there is an urgent need to interact, exchange experiences, data, knowledge. We need to apply ourselves, at all levels, because the self-referentiality of the elite is ultimately causing more damage than ignorance.

On the great theme of a new way of producing and consuming, the first portal dedicated to the circular economy was born in these days. An all-Italian project, coordinated by Enea, which fascinates. Inside economiacircolare.com we find important institutions such as Cnr, Ispra, Uni, Environmental Conflict Documentation Center. All full of skills and honors capable today of helping the country to finally change pace.

The portal is open to the contribution of all and – as Roberto Morabito of Enea says – wants to “guarantee the coexistence of the different positions of study on the multidisciplinary issues that characterize the circular economy”. In practice, it wants to be a reference for those involved in development, technologies, practices and investments on the circular economy. The site also guarantees that its contents are not fake news. And the thing certainly has extraordinary value. On this scientific guarantee, in fact, it would be appropriate for those who dispute the best strategies to make Italy and Italians take the step towards the new, to take a look at the Italian Atlas of the circular economy mentioned in the new site. Politicians, first of all, would learn that Italy is no stranger to those particular social conflicts triggered by environmental reasons.

In general, the curators of the Environmental Conflicts Documentation Center explain, the events that have to do with the environment, air, smog, industrial plants, are characterized by two factors. On the one hand by the qualitative or quantitative reduction of available natural resources, on the other by a resistance of civil society that is mobilized to defend the environment, common goods, their rights, and the management of resources. The direct knowledge of so many situations so widespread in the country on water, waste, incinerators, wind turbines, would prevent politics from so many leaps forward and the propagation of still difficult scenarios. Actions that ultimately reveal ignorance or denial of reality.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/energia/come-far-circolare-leconomia-circolare/ on Wed, 04 Nov 2020 05:31:15 +0000.