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How to improve the school-work alternation

How to improve the school-work alternation

Unimpresa presented five easy-to-implement proposals to improve school-work alternation. Here are which ones. The speech by Giovanni Assi, national councilor of Unimpresa

The school-work alternation has the objective of providing young people in addition to didactic knowledge, with the skills necessary to enter the labor market, alternating study hours with "on the job" training hours thus giving the student, future worker, experience "in the field" overcoming the often traumatic training gap both for the resource and for the company, and which exists in a marked way between the academic world and the world of work in terms of skills and preparation, a disconnect which makes it difficult to enter the workplace once the cycle of studies has finished.

One of the objectives of this tool must certainly be to counter the phenomenon of mismatching of skills, the cause of the misalignment between labor supply and demand and which is slowing down the country's economic and social development. Even today there are a very large number of companies they are unable to raise their production levels despite the conditions, due to the lack of specific skills that are increasingly unobtainable in the labor market.

Although Law 107 of 2015 has excellent intentions, which compulsorily provides for an orientation path for children in the choice to make after the course of study, just as the intentions of the 2019 Budget Law are positive, which has reduced the alternation between school and work in paths for transversal skills and for guidance (so-called PCTO), and the establishment of the National Register for school-work alternation set up at the Chamber of Commerce and which represents a connecting tool to facilitate meetings between businesses and educational institutions, giving willingness to welcome students to their companies.

However, despite the good intentions of the rules indicated above, this fantastic tool is still little and badly used and too often overlooked by companies that do not take advantage of the immense opportunities to recruit and train future workers or which, even more serious, make it a distorted use with often dramatic repercussions for young people.


In order to increase its appeal on one side and on the other to guarantee correct use of the tool, primarily protecting the health and safety of the student engaged in school-work alternation courses, Unimpresa presented to the government, on the occasion of the meeting today at the technical table on occupational safety at the Ministry of Education, five simple proposals, easy to implement.

  1. Recognize rewards, in the form of incentives or reductions, for companies that host students alternating between school and work and which end with the positive certification of the training course also from a training/information point of view pursuant to Legislative Decree 81/08;
  2. Currently, for the purposes of 81/08, the resource in school-work alternation falls within the definition of worker on a par with all other providers, but considering the age and the consequent total inexperience of the students engaged in alternation courses, a specific regulation with the strengthening of prevention activities as well as the tightening of sanctions for those companies that do not comply with these obligations;
  3. Encourage the participation of students in school-work alternation courses, attributing to those who obtain positive certification of the course, additional scores to be considered during the final exam;
  4. Increase the number of hours available to companies for each resource and for each school-work alternation path, giving the company a greater opportunity to train future workers and being able to dedicate a part of these additional hours to training / information on 81/08, too often companies today, considering the small number of hours available to them, and therefore the limited time available to train future potential workers, prefer not to resort to the tool or in any case use it in a summary manner and not dedicating due attention to the information activity pursuant to Legislative Decree 81/08;
  5. Provide that the specific training/information activities to be provided to students, as well as the provision of specific PPE, are fully paid for by the State and Regional Funds.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/alternanza-scuola-lavoro-unimpresa/ on Fri, 27 Jan 2023 06:21:17 +0000.