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How to really restart the school

How to really restart the school

Sister Anna Monia Alfieri's appeal to give a voice to worried parents, to lost children, to a country that needs …

It is clear to everyone that we need to restart the school for all our students. The Italian Parents, from the Alps to… Lampedusa, are beginning to realize this, and with a certain alarm now.

The curve of cultural deprivation, without an action that is the result of common awareness, is destined to grow, becoming an antechamber of moral and material misery, even more so because our children will be committed, in the future years of their maturity, to repay the debt incurred. with Europe, necessary for our country for a radical change and an unavoidable project of rebirth. The covid, as is known, has only accelerated a process already underway.

It is no longer the time for sterile polemics or rebuke of responsibility.

From the first weeks of the pandemic, when the drama of the Italian school was outlined, in addition to the encouraging ministerial circulars on the intrinsic value of integrated digital teaching, the vital necessity became clear, and was requested during the darkest months and to the bitter end. of an involvement not only by the Government and the Ministry, but also by the individual Regions,
local authorities, private and state schools, and of course parents, teachers and all school staff. And the pupils. We went to the streets, hundreds of hours of live streaming, debates, interviews, parliamentary questions were carried out.

It was made clear that only by involving the social partners, trade unions, managers, teachers, associations, families, individuals, would the school be restarted.

The dramatic need for everyone to be there was clear in September 2020, when the Italian school restarted not only in patches but with large layers of difficulty precisely in the most disadvantaged areas of the country, to the detriment of intelligent but circumstantially-oriented students. to turn youthful strengths and abilities to evil. A drama and an ever more evident wound.

Today, with the government of national unity, we have all invoked and sworn in Draghi the trust and commitment to bring the school back to the center of the country.

We applauded the Minister of Education Bianchi when he declared that everyone must be involved in this regard, to combat educational poverty, bridge the gap between the North and the South and restore the structural conditions to allow young people to face the future as people. competent. All the compact and transversal political forces have become available and transversal so do not use the school to warm up the engines for the next autumn elections. This time we win or lose together with no one excluded.

Recently, however, a dangerous persuasion on the "corpaccio" tends to make us believe that only the people of President Draghi or Minister Bianchi, new Spidermen, can restart the battered school of the country Italy, which pays for years of uncontrolled trade union and political powers and bureaucrats, architects of the elimination of the very living forces necessary for rebirth.

Only in a few "awake" areas of the country has the invitation been understood and implemented … hammering for months to sit around a table – even more so in the last fifty days from the beginning of the lessons – by representatives of Regions, Municipalities , Associations, Parishes, state and equal schools, to count the spaces that exist, allowing children to return to the classroom at 100%. Agreements, pacts, leases, exchanges, collaborations, understandings, modes of transport: this has been discussed by those who care about the future of Italy.

In Lombardy for months we have been proceeding in this direction: it seems impossible that in the Center and in the South, already tormented by months of DAD and where the need is greater because the underworld is lurking to devour the boys, the immense opportunities of imagination, intelligence and spaces that would allow a lightening of the situation.

In some cities, pearls of art neglected by the sloth of civil and ecclesiastical institutions, there are thousands of cubic meters of wasted classrooms and corridors destined for decay, where the only budgeted expense is the recovery from pigeon droppings.

Honestly, this time the grave responsibility will lie with individual citizens; it is surreal to think of asking for school autonomy and regional autonomy in the face of this lost game.

We want involvement, we yearn for democracy from below, we cry out for participatory leadership … but in reality we are moving towards accepting a comfortable dictatorship that suggests what should or should not be done … "Made you not live like brutes".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/come-far-ripartire-davvero-la-scuola/ on Tue, 03 Aug 2021 06:05:31 +0000.