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How to work in the programmatic construction site of the Salvini League

How to work in the programmatic construction site of the Salvini League

Who was there and what was said on the Roman day of the Lega's programmatic works. Paola Sacchi's note

A League that claims its role in the Draghi government, "without us, the center-right of the government (the other shareholder is Forza Italia, ed ) there would have been the patrimonial", "if we had put the interest of the party before that of a country hit by the pandemic, and now by the fallout from the war, we would not have entered it ", a league that seems to mainly say to the ally favored by the Brothers of Italy polls, without naming it," whoever divides the center-right does the opponents a favor " , a League that on foreign policy relaunches the role of Europe with the leading countries, Italy, France, Germany, for "peace and stability", which feels represented by Draghi in Washington and which "once the health emergency is over and when that war will end ”to Draghi he asks for a“ fiscal peace ”with the scrapping of the tax bills. That is, "the vast majority of those who are not the great tax evaders, who instead must be hit".

But above all the one that emerges, on the day of the works at the "Lanterna" in Via Tomacelli, on the roofs of the center of Rome, from the synthesis of Matteo Salvini's final speech, at the first of 20 meetings "It is Italy we want ", with Armando Siri, head of the Lega Departments conducting the stage (listening meetings in each Region, to draw the government program to offer to the center-right allies for the 2023 policies), does not seem like a League cornered. Even the president of Coni, Giovanni Malagò, intervenes on the stage, to bring his greeting, before the leader's conclusions. But above all what is staged is a League, whose message, from justice, with Giulia Bongiorno who, moderator Bruno Vespa, also confronts magistrates who have joined the strike against the Cartabia reform ("Governor Attilio Fontana, acquitted because the fact does not exist, he is a decent man, none of the Democratic Party and the Five Stars have apologized, but now there will be referendums ", says Salvini) net no" to environmental ideology ", he is clearly distant from Giuseppe Conte and Five stars. We return to ask for clean nuclear power, as does the Minister of Economic Development Giancarlo Giorgetti.

On the waste-to-energy plant in Rome, "they thought we were crazy, honor to be copied," he says, prompted by a question from the editor of the newspaper , Augusto Minzolini, Vannia Gava, undersecretary of the ministry for ecological transition, referring to the mayor (Pd) Roberto Gualtieri.

The parterre of the day, divided by themes, is very broad, ranging from Carlo Nordio, former Deputy Prosecutor of Venice, to General Giorgio Battisti, head of the Italian contingent and of ISAF in Afghanistan, who claims the role of NATO in defense of freedom, to the CEOs of Enel, Eni, Terna, respectively Francesco Starace, Claudio Descalzi, Stefano Donnarumma (Enel and Eni united in the request to put a cap on the price of gas in Europe), preceded by the Minister for Ecological Transition Roberto Cingolani. Before them, guests with video messages the former mayor of New York, the Republican Rudolph Giuliani, who says, referring to the war on Ukraine, "With Trump all this would not have happened", and the French ambassador to Italy Christian Masset, who invites Salvini and the Lega to visit Palazzo Farnese. At the convention is present the Minister of Regional Affairs Maria Stella Gelmini, FI, the other piece of the government center, who with the Northern League governors, the president of Veneto, Luca Zaia and the Lombard Fontana emphasizes the need to arrive quickly to differentiated autonomy, in accordance with the Italian Constitution, which, "despite the narrative stereotype, does not divide the North from the South".

Zaia recalls that the theme was present in Sergio Mattarella's speech, in his re-election to the Quirinale. On Ukraine and the request from Finland and Sweden to join NATO, Salvini expressed his perplexity in the morning ("Is this a request that brings peace closer?"), But concluding the busy day of work he clearly states, in his speech of about 48 minutes, “the League can only be for the self-determination of peoples. But tomorrow the newspapers will still headline: Salvini, Putin's friend, when many, like Enrico Letta premier have made agreements with him, for heaven's sake, legitimately ”.

The federal secretary hopes, as he had already stated with Marco Cremonesi in yesterday's interview with Il Corriere della sera , a message of "peace and stability", a "ceasefire that Putin must first, because we have always distinguished between aggressor and attacked ”, he says, concluding the convention, criticizing the Democratic Party, which“ plays toy soldiers ”. He says he is ready to "go anywhere, from Istanbul to Moscow, except Washington, where I felt well represented by Mario Draghi".

On the sidelines of the convention, with Startmag , the League leader in the Chamber, Riccardo Molinari: “We are different from Conte and the Five Stars. From energy to foreign policy. There may be different nuances but in the clarity that our positioning is Euro-Atlantic. The center-right? It will be recomposed, everything will be resolved, whoever divides it will take the responsibility of losing a coalition that has existed for thirty years. If anything, the real problems are in the opposing field, where, not surprisingly, the Democratic Party is now looking for the proportional to get out of the grip of the Five Stars ".

An acknowledgment comes from the parterre where, in the part coordinated by the economic manager Alberto Bagnai, there are also the presidents of Confapi, Maurizio Casasco, Confartigianato, Marco Granelli, Confedilizia, Giorgio Spaziani Testa, Luigi Sbarra, general secretary of the CISL: "The League has managed to keep the bar straight on a reformist social approach ”.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/lega-lanterna/ on Sun, 15 May 2022 06:33:12 +0000.