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I’ll explain what Draghi will do about pensions. Speak Cazzola

I'll explain what Draghi will do about pensions. Speak Cazzola

What are the options on the table for the 2022 pension reform? The interview of Pensione per Tutti with Giuliano Cazzola


Pensions for all: What will Draghi do with regard to pensions?

Giuliano Cazzola: Even if he succeeds in forming a government, he will always have to compete with the political forces that make up Parliament. The former president of the ECB, however authoritative, will not be able to do everything he believes and that it would be right to do, but what will be possible. Dragh i knows very well – like all intellectually honest people – that the derogatory, experimental and temporary measures adopted by the yellow-green government are unfair and wrong.

It is also aware that the EU – in view of the NGEU – expects its government, like any other, to untie the problem of pensions, which is one of the recommendations addressed to Italy and that is: “ Fully implement the past pension reforms to aim to reduce the weight of pensions in public spending ''.


Pensionepertutti: In Brussels I don't agree with the so-called overcoming of the Fornero reform?

Giuliano Cazzola: It seems clear to me. But there is not only Brussels. If you allow me, I will indicate some passages that make you think about pensions. Let's start with Nadef 2020: '' From 2019 and up to 2022, the ratio between pension expenditure and GDP increases, first suddenly, reaching a peak of 17.1 percent in the current year, and then decreases in the following two years , however, settling at a level of 16.3 per cent, more than 1 percentage point of GDP above the 2018 figure. Expenditure in relation to GDP grows significantly due to the sharp decline in GDP levels due to the impact of health emergency that has hit Italy since last February. However, this trend is also conditioned by the application of the social security measures contained in the Decree Law 4/2019 converted into Law 26/2019 (so-called Quota 100), which, by favoring early retirement, determine for the years 2019-2021 a substantial increase in the number of pensions in relation to the number of employees ''.

But the surprises do not end there: '' With the reform, the economic sustainability of the system is guaranteed, given that access to retirement is a function of a requirement that grows with life expectancy. In addition, greater "economic equity" is ensured, as the pension treatment is higher or lower depending on the age of access to the pension ''. The speaker is Pasquale Tridico, the president of INPS, appointed by the yellow-green government. Of course, this does not mean that the 2011 reform has no critical issues, but why not take into account the changes that have been made since then: including 9 safeguards and the Ape package.


Pensionepertutti: What could the Draghi government do?

Giuliano Cazzola: Any government would put on the agenda the measures to be taken at the expiry of quota 100 (end of the current year) and the freezing of the requirements of ordinary retirement of seniority (31 December 2026). Fortunately, the Draghi government would not be faced with the same situation that faced the Monti government. Even if in debt (which must always be kept in mind), the resources should be there. I do not see the need to use pensions to urgently cut public spending as it is rampant across the board. Certainly woe to continue to squander the new financial resources in the continuation of demagogic policies.

And pensions are in the sights of the Recovery plan. But a government must also fix the perverse effects of the mistakes made by previous ones. He can't get away with saying 'it's not my fault'. It is clear that at the end of this year Italians who are retiring and who do not have the requirements for early treatment will not be able to apply d'amblé, a staircase from 62 to 67 years.


Pensions for all: What solutions do you see?

Giuliano Cazzola: I imagine that Draghi will negotiate with the unions and together they will find reasonable solutions. Certainly it will not be those contained in the platform of the trade unions that are '' out of the market '' and that would bring the system back to before 2011. Above all, the unions must be convinced that a longer stay in the work activity (subject to the harsh conditions and the protection of particular life events, I am thinking above all of motherhood and the care of children, the disabled and the elderly) is a need imposed by demographic trends, by the trends of the labor market and by the guarantee of a better adequacy of treatments.

As the periods regulated by the contribution calculation increase in the working history, the pension advance will be penalized. The new generations enter and will enter, if they are lucky, the job market in a stable and continuous way many years after the generations of baby boomers, in a context in which life expectancy is lengthening and the population pyramid is reversed, and children they are not born, and they are less and less even among immigrants. Look, it is a lie that in Italy people go to pensions at a high age. Look at the INPS table of retirement flows for the last two years and take into account that the prevailing number of those who retire use the advance channel. We thank Professor Giuliano Cazzola and we remind anyone wishing to take part in the interview that since it is an exclusive, they are required to quote the source.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/vi-spiego-cosa-fara-draghi-sulle-pensioni-parla-cazzola/ on Sun, 28 Feb 2021 16:57:51 +0000.