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I’ll tell you about Di Battista’s Vaffa in Grillo

I'll tell you about Di Battista's Vaffa in Grillo

Tensions and fibrillations in the 5 Star Movement and in the nascent third pole. The Scratches of Damato

From "half an hour more" by Lucia Annunziata to "30 minutes to the maximum" by the homonymous director of the Press Massimo Giannini. Obviously Carlo Calenda prefers timed broadcasts, so to speak, for his epiphanies. The first time, last Sunday, wanting to close the center-left game with Enrico Letta. The second time, yesterday, to return to the "bullshit" of the PD secretary too open to the red-green and define "the third pole" on the way, which he is negotiating with Matteo Renzi, "an anti-right bank" more appropriate to the circumstances of this election campaign for the early renewal of the Chambers.

"Comedians", shouted from the family newspaper Silvio Berlusconi himself, who also had in recent days offered to one of the two, Renzi, the former "royal baby" invented at the time by Giuliano Ferrara, a lot of candidacies in the center-right to spare him an electoral race alone, at the risk of sinking under the threshold of 3 percent of the votes. “Don't be fooled, these are from the Democratic Party”, shouted Libero due to the common origin of Calenda and Renzi.

“Calenda inflated”, was the title of Maurizio Belpietro's Truth , in harmony with the Fatto Quotidiano , which put it in the plural to unite Renzi. " Inflated balls ", wrote Marco Travaglio in the editorial of the day. Inflated by the usual media system interested in falsifying even the arithmetic.

In particular, Travaglio took it out on Sky, which by spreading a poll showing "right at 49.1 per cent, center left at 27.4, Movimento 5 Stelle at 11 and, rearmost, Action-Iv at 4.8 ”, he indicated as the“ third pole ”that of Calenda and Renzi, actually fourth and last.

The numbers actually seem to prove Labor right. But right under the five stars Beppe Grillo from his blog in a quarter of an hour of sarcasm, picking up his own speech in 2018 at the national gathering of the Circus Maximus in Rome, recommended "not to take yourself seriously". As perhaps also Travaglio did with the 11 per cent attributed to Conte and what remained in his hand, or between his feet, of the 33 per cent of the elections four and a half years ago. An 11 percent, however, who can no longer count on the resource pursued for a while by the same Count, winking at Alessandro Di Battista. Who has just sent to that post the "master father" Grillo for the obstacles opposed to his return to the movement with a lot of candidacy for Parliament. On the occasion he also accused him of participating in the non-crystalline event of the election, at the time, of Luigi Di Maio as head of the movement, when the preferences of the base seemed favorable to him, Di Battista, Dibba for friends, evidently taken too much seriously.

I fear that the young man who has just returned from a reportage in Russia , rather than running for Parliament, could only aspire to enter the album of the stickers of zombies, traitors and others invented by Grillo. If you weren't already there, given that of that album the Genoese comedian only released the cover and the first page, or a little more, of the images to be covered with the appropriate stickers.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/vi-racconto-il-vaffa-di-di-battista-a-grillo/ on Wed, 10 Aug 2022 06:12:31 +0000.