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I’ll tell you about Giuliano Amato’s piked somersault on Ustica

I'll tell you about Giuliano Amato's piked somersault on Ustica

The incredible twists and turns of Giuliano Amato in the newspapers on the Ustica case. Damato's Scratches

One reads on the front page of Repubblica the reference to an article by Giuliano Amato on the 1980 tragedy of Ustica which he himself evoked last Saturday, in the same newspaper, in a long interview followed by much controversy and expects to find the explanation in the text – perhaps – of the distances he has just taken , again from him, from the title of that scoop by writing about it to a very controversial Truth . Or does he expect to find confirmation and explanation of the "reverse" attributed to him both in the "adventurous" version shouted by the Unit and in the ironic version amicably chosen by the Foglio .

On the front page of the latter newspaper, the cartoonist Makkox enjoyed, in particular, attributing to Amato the doubt that he had mistaken a croissant for the French missile that he would have shot down 43 years ago by mistake, chasing a big Libyan where it was assumed that Gaddafi himself was traveling, a very unfortunate Italian civilian plane with 81 people on board. A croissant – Makkox perfidiously commented – “is certainly more comfortable to eat again”.

Well, Amato in his return speech on Repubblica did not dispute either Saturday's headline or the evidence, thus showing that he has nothing to say or complain about either. And perhaps earning who knows what other return, in turn, of Maurizio Belpietro's Truth . Even today, on the other hand, even before rereading it in Repubblica , he has returned to attacking it on another key or front he dealt with when he was in government: "the history of Mps", which means Monte dei Paschi di Siena. Who crossed paths with Amato's private life for a contribution to his tennis club in Orbetello.

Amato returned to his interview with Repubblica to specify only that with the interview proposed to him also by the director himself of the newspaper founded by Eugenio Scalfari he wanted to gather "an extraordinary opportunity to strengthen" – not to disturb, as someone suspected, among the such as his former party mate and friend Rino Formica in an interview with Domani in which he complains about the "murky" – the relationship" between Italy and France: one receiving an apology from the other for the truth about Ustica hidden for a long, long 43 years. “The French foreign minister – Amato wrote and interpreted – took it up by demonstrating a willingness to collaborate, moreover without ever asking himself: why now?”, as others instead did with Saturday's interview which lent itself to so much controversy. “A step forward – insisted Amato – for those in Italy who stubbornly continue to look back. With the interview I wanted to launch a challenge to get to the truth about Ustica. Now it's up to those who are able to collect it, under the pressure of a press that is not a prisoner of small coastal shipping". Which also seemed to involve the Republic itself with those distances – I repeat – taken in writing from its title in box characters writing about it to Maurizio Belpietro's newspaper.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/vi-racconto-la-capriola-carpiata-di-giuliano-amato-su-ustica/ on Tue, 05 Sep 2023 06:36:58 +0000.