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I’ll tell you about Giuseppe Conte’s Half April Fool

I'll tell you about Giuseppe Conte's Half April Fool

What did Giuseppe Conte say and what he did not say as the new de facto head of the 5 Star Movement

The pessimists, the mischievous, the skeptics, the prejudiced, the opponents, call them what you want, feared that it was only the classic, punctual April Fool's day the debut of Giuseppe Conte as the new head of the 5 Star Movement announced yesterday, via Facebook with parliamentarians, or spokespersons, regional, municipal and other level councilors, sympathizers. No. It wasn't an April Fool. It was only half an April fool. Half, because the debut was really on the physical level, in addition with the streaming modes suspended for some time by the insiders for fear of unexpected events.

Even if to Marcello Sorgi sulla Stampa and those of the fact , with a nice yellow headline on the front page, the former prime minister appeared dressed in green – just to support the ecological edition of the movement, which allowed Grillo to bring it , indeed to push him into Mario Draghi's government, complete with a new Ministry for the green transition, in fact – and to me, having seen the photos that appeared in all the newspapers, he seemed instead dressed in the usual blue, or electric blue, depending on the typographic brightness, Conte really showed up at the evening appointment. And this time with a modest delay – only half an hour – compared to the habits of when he worked at Palazzo Chigi and it was night.

He presented himself with a "solid bookcase" certified in the Corriere della Sera by the expert and likeable Fabrizio Roncone, and even spoke for an hour, collecting one hundred thousand likes and ten thousand comments live, just think: stuff to make you tremble the wrists even to someone like the now personal spokesman of the lawyer, the unforgettable Rocco Casalino. Who will have already begun to play with its algorithms to predict how many votes or electoral percentages can transform the online debut of the former prime minister in another role.

In about an hour of speech on "my", "new", "refounded", "regenerated" movement given to him by Beppe Grillo in an astronaut's helmet in Rome in front of the ruins of the Imperial Forums, Conte spent an enormous amount of words . To which he attributed – textually – a great "transformative power", thus exhorting his friends to begin to use them too judiciously, or with less ingenuity and "aggression" than usual, given the damage that they managed to rash with the use of the language. to obtain, while in government with him, losing in just over two years more or less half of the votes collected in the 2018 general elections, according to the polls or the results of the elections gradually addressed at the local level or for the European Parliament, in 2019.

But even with the most prudent use of words, as a good professor of law and a lawyer who is, albeit a civilian, who uses more writing than speaking, as it is up to the criminal lawyer to hit and emotionally convince the Court of Judges, Conte has ended up slipping too and to give us even half April fish mentioned at the beginning. He said, in particular, that the movement will have to be refounded, regenerated and so on by him "without denying the past", verbatim. This is where the metaphorical ass falls, in my opinion, for heaven's sake, without wanting to give it even physically to such a speaker. In order not to go too far from him, who for a while governed us together, Conte did as Matteo Salvini with his rediscovered or discovered Europeanism without denying the past, even reviving it every now and then with words and encounters.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/vi-racconto-il-mezzo-pesce-daprile-di-giuseppe-conte/ on Fri, 02 Apr 2021 07:29:08 +0000.