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I’ll tell you about Renzi’s aims and obsessions

I'll tell you about Renzi's aims and obsessions

Why does Matteo Renzi blurt out especially when he talks about Forza Italia and Tajani? Damato's point

The Center, dutifully capitalized, where Matteo Renzi found himself in his fourth or fifth "political life" – he himself lost count of it at the age of 48 in an interview with Avvenire – for now it is just a mobile artillery emplacement . however, richer in ambitions, or targets to hit, than in ammunition. And the objectives range from Europe to Italy and vice versa, even if the largest and closest electoral deadline is the European one in a year. During which who knows how many things could happen and surprise even Renzi, who nevertheless appears certain of his position, that is, of his strength or of the weaknesses of others, so naive as not to fear him, or even to mock him, starting naturally with that ungrateful -the most ungrateful of all- who would be the former minister and founding member of the so-called third Polo Carlo Calenda. One – said Renzi, again to Avvenire – who would always leave "things half done". But to which, despite this, he would be willing to reopen the doors if he thought again about the practicability and the presumed great prospects of the new political project proposed by the former Prime Minister.

As has already happened to him in the past, in particular when he repeated the mistake of the Christian Democrats Amintore Fanfani and Ciriaco De Mita of taking on the double role of secretary of a composite party like the DC and Prime Minister, I fear – for him – that Renzi will also this time he is giving in to the temptation to play a game of chess alone, doing without his opponent and substituting his moves. Or even providing him, i.e. providing himself with the opportunity to checkmate, as when he personalized the so-called referendum confirming his valuable constitutional reform to such an extent, that I personally voted, to hang on it like a noose, i.e. even announcing his resignation to politics if he had been defeated. Then, once the defeat had been promptly remedied, he only renounced the leadership of the government, retaining that of the Democratic Party which had split in the meantime, and then losing that too.

Even if he continues to talk about votes and perhaps even some parliamentarians to steal from his former party thanks to the risk that it is running with Elly Schlein at the Nazarene of becoming the sixth star of the Grillino movement, Renzi is aiming above all, I won't say, at the right, where he knows that Giorgia Meloni is much less weak than he tries to make people believe, but to the electorate of Forza Italia now irreparably orphaned by Silvio Berlusconi, although still financed by his heirs.

As soon as he gets distracted from the concentration of the solitary match and feels like saying or making clear, directly or through the means of communication available, what he really thinks and pursues, Renzi nevertheless makes the classic omelette.

On "his" Riformista , made available to him by the editor now also of Unità Alfredo Romeo, no later than last Thursday 7 September a certain mysterious Phil committed to representing the government and the majority in the worst possible way escaped writing of the "hungry" Northern League member Matteo Salvini and of "someone at the gas pipe like Antonio Tajani", also vice president of the Council, foreign minister and congressional transition secretary of Forza Italia. One who, for goodness sake, will not have the means and the magnetism, although waning in recent times, of the late Berlusconi; one that the prime minister has certainly not strengthened by recently speaking of him as a person to be prudently kept in the dark about the decision to tax bank super-profits, but who is still the successor of the Knight against whom no one has yet managed to organize or even to propose an alternative within the party: neither the intolerant Giorgio Mulè nor the staid Renato Schifani.

A Tajani so grossly dismissed by Renzi, moreover after having been courted, contacted, probed and so on behind the scenes on the hypothesis of a common list for the European elections to protect themselves both from the 4 percent threshold for access to the European Parliament to be renewed next year; a Tajani not so naive as to fall into the trap of putting another general in his house, according to statements attributed to him and not denied, could succeed in the miracle, or in any case in the unexpected event of triggering identity pride in Forza Italia, and not just instinct of conservation.

Given the due proportions, of course, net of the even tragic paradox that might seem, Renzi risks making with Tajani the mistake Putin made with Zelensky. Who thanks to the war unleashed on him was promoted from a political comedian like a Ukrainian Beppe Grillo to a champion of his country's sovereignty, to a world leader, to a patriot of the West. And Tajani has perhaps never been to a theater since, when very young, he attended one of very modest dimensions as the seat of a monarchist club.

Article published in Doubt

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/ossessioni-di-renzi/ on Sun, 10 Sep 2023 04:47:39 +0000.