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I’ll tell you about the center-right between fake weddings and ongoing divorces

I'll tell you about the center-right between fake weddings and ongoing divorces

What happens in the center-right between Lega, Forza Italia and Fratelli d'Italia? The Scratches of Damato

Among the effects, or collateral damage, of Putin's war on Ukraine is the ever deeper and more evident crisis of the Italian center-right. Where the confusion is now maximum also in reference to the line to be followed with regard to the head of the Kremlin, from which Berlusconi decided after a long and understandably embarrassed silence to dissociate himself in a fairly clear and precise way, but Matteo Salvini did not. So much so that it was enough for the Northern League leader to go to Poland recently to try and then look out to Ukraine to be rejected with sensational losses on his face. Not even Berlusconi, on the other hand, is very popular in Ukraine, where as prime minister he was warned against setting foot for having gone to pay homage to his friend Putin in the Crimea just snatched from the Ukrainians.

Now Berlusconi and Salvini seem to be marching together towards a relationship that is at least privileged in a center-right where it is not clear whether there will still be a space for Giorgia Meloni, perhaps who has grown up too electorally to continue to be supported by forcas and leaguers.

Strengthened by a sortie by Salvini at Porta a Porta , the famous "third Chamber" of Andreottian memory, the Libero newspaper was able to exhibit in a title like a trophy, more than news, the now irrepressible "desire for Forza-Lega". It would be "the real marriage", collateral to the somewhat cinematic one that Salvini was able to attend recently as an guest between Berlusconi and the deputy forceist Marta Fascina. And on that occasion to collect from Berlusconi himself the recognition of being the "true, only political leader" of Italy. Luckily for him, given the end made by the Knight to all dolphins in the history of his movement and, more generally, of the center-right.

This "desire for Forza-Lega", or "true marriage", to always stay in the supporter language of Libero , would already be spreading locally with common lists and candidates, from Sicily to Liguria, for example, where relations with the right of Meloni are now at a minimum.

Also in this right wing, on the other hand, the confusion is great after Meloni tried to credit her movement in the "conservative" family, procuring the defense of authoritative representatives of the Democratic Party in the face of the accusation made against her by the leftist historian Luciano Camphor to always be a "Nazi".

As a conservative Giorgia Meloni has distanced herself clearly from the international figures still dear to Salvini such as Putin and the candidate for the Elysée Marine Le Pen, who arrived at the ballot on April 24 with the outgoing president of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron. But perhaps the eldest of the "brothers of Italy", Ignazio La Russa, has just denied it in the Corriere della Sera saying that he would vote for Le Pen without any hesitation, even if he does not fully agree with the line. Indeed, as a personal friend who boasts of being Berlusconi's, of whom he was also Minister of Defense, La Russa ventured to express doubts about the sympathies attributed to the former prime minister himself for Macron. "I'm not so sure – he said – that Berlusconi would vote for Macron in the second round".

Great, I repeat, is the confusion in the center right. Where not for this reason – it must be added with some bewilderment – we avoid participating in the desire for early elections in the autumn felt around, perhaps not wrongly, and denounced by the secretary of the Democratic Party with the air, however, not even afraid of them he.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/vi-racconto-il-centrodestra-fra-nozze-farlocche-e-divorzi-in-fieri/ on Wed, 13 Apr 2022 06:10:39 +0000.