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I’ll tell you about the fire in Forza Italia

I'll tell you about the fire in Forza Italia

What happens in Forza Italia? The Scratches of Damato

Cooked and eaten, I'd say. Preceded by an editorial in the Giornale di famiglia on the need for the center-right not to fail, after the defeat in the administrative elections, the "litmus test" of the Quirinale – wrote the director Augusto Minzolini – with a unitary conduct, starting with the choice of the candidate , Silvio Berlusconi had this soup eaten in the convivial meeting he had in Rome, in his villa on the Appia Antica, with his allies Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni. Who had very little to resist him for the responsibilities they had in the defeat suffered by the coalition, especially in the municipal ballots of Rome and Turin, and in the somewhat stunted confirmation of the blue mayor of Trieste now in his fourth and last term.

At Meloni, however, as the reporter from Il Foglio ironically observed, Berlusconi, as a good host, did not miss his favorite pears cooked with jam at the end of the lunch. And also an interview supplement – I add – after Salvini's farewell, who always has a very busy agenda to respect, even at the cost of sometimes missing a meeting or a precious appendix, with or without the Cavaliere's dogs cheerfully among the feet.

It is understandable the satisfaction of the Journal in finding its wish translated, if we do not want to call it an address, in the final communiqué of the summit on the agreed, confirmed "unity" and so on about the quirinal game.

But, apart from the objective problematic nature of Berlusconi's candidacy, accredited by the editorial of the family newspaper, for the age of the former Prime Minister, for the usual unknowns of parliamentary votes, compulsorily by secret ballot and for the past or judicial pending of the former Prime Minister, on which of course Marco Travaglio on the Fatto Quotidiano hastened to dwell in his usual language, who paradoxically thus proved to be perhaps the one who believes most likely a success of the operation with the obvious or hidden help of parts of the center or even of the left; apart from all this, I said, a hole as big as a house in Forza Italia has suddenly opened or reopened. Where the acclamation of the sportsman Paolo Barelli as head of the group in the Chamber, designated by Berlusconi on the proposal of Antonio Tajani, without the secret ballot requested by the supporters of Sestino Giacomoni, formerly a close collaborator of the Cavaliere, raised the minister Mariastella Gelmini. Who, while showing that he is more angry with Tajani than with Berlusconi, forced by his health conditions to follow political events at a distance, harshly contested the party's line that was too submissive towards the allies who compete with each other on rather right-wing positions. thrust.

Among other things, Gelmini complained about the underestimation, and even more by the narrow Berlusconian circle, of the forceist delegation to the government, as if it were composed as infidels or traitors, in the almost personal service of Mario Draghi . The credit is attributed to his arrival at Palazzo Chigi Berlusconi, sharing it as much as possible with the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella. It will take a good team of firefighters to put out this fire inside the center-right and the party that considers itself a bit of a guarantor in Europe.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/vi-racconto-lincendio-in-forza-italia/ on Thu, 21 Oct 2021 06:06:21 +0000.