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I’ll tell you about the hysterical carnival of the 5 Stars on Draghi

I'll tell you about the hysterical carnival of the 5 Stars on Draghi

The surprises of the 5 Star Movement on Draghi during the parliamentary debate

To compete in his own way with the colleagues of the Movement who after him would have spoken or voted as dissidents against Mario Draghi – 15 out of 92 elected, according to the calculations of the smug Fatto Quotidiano – the parent company of the grillini in the Senate Ettore Licheri defined "vigilant" , "Careful" and I do not remember how else the support of his political side to the new government, as if that to the two previous governments of Giuseppe Conte had been distracted or careless. But, taken by the heat of the speech, like a lawyer – which he really is – in a court to defend the client or a prosecutor to accuse the accused, Licheri at one point threw his heart and the word over the obstacle and the prime minister warned that the whole 5-star group would "break the boxes", textual .


Draghi from the government benches, who spent so well in the programmatic speech and in the reply of tone that appeared to some of his admirers, smiled but not too much, I hope not beginning to regret having responded to the dramatic appeal of the President of the Republic by agreeing to form the government of health, social and economic emergencies, free from any political formula already tested in this very strange legislature. Free from any political formula – the former president of the European Central Bank may have thought – but not from common sense. And objectively, since there was no goliardic party in the hall of Palazzo Madama, it makes little sense to welcome and trust a government by promising to break the boxes. Or by giving him a trust so painful that he can cry over it, like the pentastellata Cinzia Leone.


A man like Draghi and a government like the one so heartily requested of him by the head of state at the end of one of the most tangled crisis in the history of the Republic, which has also seen serious and even dramatic ones, such as that of the summer of 1964 which a stroke to the then president Antonio Segni and had induced the resigning head of the government Aldo Moro and other leading politicians to sleep for a few nights away from home fearing a coup; a man like Draghi, I said, and a government like the one he had to lead deserved a better parliamentary debut. In spite of the formal distances between the 262 yes, the only 40 no and the 2 abstentions proclaimed by the president of the assembly, a debut was needed, let's face it, more serious in the behavior of the political force which is the largest of those represented in Parliament.


With this force that continually loses pieces on the street and that, in order not to lose them again, shouts to the four winds to be determined to make life hard in the government, breaking "the boxes", Nicola Zingaretti's Pd, proudly convinced that he is the real pivot of the system, unjustly penalized in parliamentary numbers, has just established a "coordination" or "intergroup" as a guarantee, at this point it is not clear what.


It is true, as was already observed on the eve of the presentation of the new government to the Chambers, that we have been in Lent since yesterday. And Lent is a time of penance after the revelry of the Carnival, even though it is also penalized by the pandemic. But Lent is after the Carnival. And the only appendix, lasting a few days, allowed by the liturgy is that of the Ambrosian rite, not the Roman one. And Rome is the capital of Italy, with its institutional buildings, not Milan. Where you can still laugh.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/vi-racconto-listerico-carnevale-dei-5-stelle-su-draghi/ on Thu, 18 Feb 2021 05:20:24 +0000.