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I’ll tell you about the rise and fall of the pro-Conte centrists at Tabacci and Mastella

I'll tell you about the rise and fall of the pro-Conte centrists at Tabacci and Mastella

What happened to the enterprise of centrists like Mastella and Tabacci who had to give long life to the Conte2 government?

"Seduced and abandoned", it was written of the parliamentarians, especially senators, as there are no problems in the Chamber, willing to support Conte's government by replacing the Renzians who left the majority, and by the executive itself, after a long push and pull with the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. Who, now inclined to "dribble the Constitution" according to Michele Ainis on Libero , did not really want to hold them back, even if every now and then he showed the opposite only out of courtesy to the President of the Republic who lavished, as usual, in advice to prudence, to dialogue, confrontation and all those others that the good soul of Amintore Fanfani called "magic words" accusing Aldo Moro, the other "horse race" of the Christian Democrats, of using it too much to make the choice of the center-left "irreversible" .


These were the years in which the socialists asked with the party secretary Francesco De Martino "more advanced balances" alarming a part of the DC to which the then Aretine president of the Senate had offered a side, despite having preceded Moro in the policy of opening to the left while the experience of centrism of the Degasperian tradition still persisted. It was he, Fanfani, who had formed in 1960, after the fall of Fernando Tambroni in the streets, the first government supported externally with Pietro Nenni's abstention from the PSI.


But let's go back to Conte and the current crisis with the exploration of the political forces of the outgoing majority entrusted by the head of state to the president of the Chamber. Who, before putting everyone around the same table today to discuss the program, regularly met the "seduced and abandoned", in fact, of that Europeanist, moderate and former grillina area to which the Prime Minister had addressed in recent weeks for try to free oneself from Renzi's conditioning, and also to break up the party and parliamentary groups to reduce it to political inconsistency.


The operation, as we know, failed miserably among aspects of a certain comedy, such as the senator who left and returned to Forza Italia overnight, or the senator Alessandrina Lonardo, wife of Clemente Mastella, who did not join the group autonomous set up specifically in Palazzo Madama by Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs Ricardo Merlo , of the Associative Movement of Italians Abroad ( Maie ), due to the absence of "Noi campani", the family formation, with the title limited to "Europeanists", to Maie and at Bruno Tabacci's "Democratic Center". Which comes like Mastella from the DC and, more specifically, from the Demitian left called "Base", but it is not very welcome – from what has been understood – to the mayor of Benevento. These are things that happen, especially in diasporas.


Seeing these missing Contian backup troops parading in their scarce and at the same time atomized dispersion in Montecitorio in the exploration room of President Fico gave me – excuse me – a feeling of sadness. I told myself, or repeated myself, that the DC did not deserve either the dissolution by telegraph reproached to the last secretary Mino Martinazzoli even by Umberto Bossi, nor the imitations or even reanimations then attempted by veterans and the like. And I understood the annoyance that a former Christian Democrat or Christian Democrat like Pier Ferdinando Casini shows every time he talks about these "friends" to televisions or newspapers that interview him as an independent senator last re-elected on the lists of the Democratic Party in his Bologna .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/vi-racconto-ascesa-e-caduta-dei-rumorosi-centristi-filo-conte-alla-tabacci-e-mastella/ on Mon, 01 Feb 2021 06:27:12 +0000.