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I’ll tell you about Vittorio Sgarbi, a futurist out of time

I'll tell you about Vittorio Sgarbi, a futurist out of time

Life, works and madness of Vittorio Sgarbi, a kind of Don Quixote succeeded better than the original: I Graffi di Damato

It is difficult to say who can or should be considered more of a victim than the last, indeed penultimate Vittorio Sgarbi among the likeable fellow journalist Alessandro Giuli, president of Maxxi, who ventured to practically invite him to his home and then was forced to apologize to the internal public and external, the singer-songwriter, writer, etc. Marco Castoldi, known as Morgan, called to interview him, the Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano, who publicly dissociated himself from his undersecretary who indulged in "unacceptable sexism and foul language" and the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. Who, already grappling with the problems, let's say, of her friend, party colleague and Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanchè for her corporate vibes , frankly did not even deserve this dough called Sgarbi, in fact. Many of whom in the opposition – perhaps victims too of the irrepressible art critic, mayor, etc. – are demanding resignation from the government, or rather removal, perhaps wrapped as in a cloth as it appeared in the eyes of parliamentarians and television viewers when the Chamber clerks took him away from the Montecitorio courtroom after having insulted the current president of the session, Mara Carfagna, formerly his colleague from the party or from the centre-right area.

That's rude. He is a Mozart of our times, as he himself claimed to be considered by reacting to the controversies that have once again engulfed him. Or an out-of-time futurist, who challenges his critics to attack him in order to deserve the qualification of fascists, without even needing to warm up or light up the flame that the premier does not intend to remove from the symbol of the party of his "brothers of Italy". Thinking of changing him by hook or by crook, flattering or insolent him even more than he insults the victim of the moment, is pure madness: something to which even the good soul of Franco Basaglia would have surrendered by giving up the cause of the closure of the asylums.

Not even the concave and convex Berlusconi – yes, just the good soul of Silvio who recently passed away – managed to change Sgarbi in his acquaintances, even entrusting him with a part – the most visible and well-known – of his failed race for the Quirinale, before Sergio Mattarella's confirmation .

Vittorio – yes, my friend Vittorio, who remained so even after the insults he showered on me privately with telephone messages after the aforementioned “deposition” in the Chamber shared by me – is perhaps the first victim of himself, with his eternal outbursts fantasy, anger, exhibitionism and so on. Making war on him is useless because the man would survive even the worst defeat. It's a kind of Don Quixote done better than the original.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/vi-racconto-vittorio-sgarbi-futurista-fuori-tempo/ on Mon, 03 Jul 2023 06:08:24 +0000.