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I’ll tell you how Berlusconi is influencing the game for the Quirinale

I'll tell you how Berlusconi is influencing the game for the Quirinale

Paola Sacchi's note on the match for the Quirinale

The non-candidate Silvio Berlusconi, however, will end up, already fixing his place at the "game table", meanwhile he has obtained an effect: that of already influencing the start of the match for the Quirinale. Putting the left in difficulty, all the more so now that, after Matteo Salvini, also the president of Fdi, Giorgia Meloni says yes to Berlusconi, because "it would protect our sovereignty". This is what Il Giornale di Augusto Minzolini titled “The turning point” on the whole page. A sign of the difficulties of the left is the fact that now more than Mario Draghi, it seems to return to the desire that has never faded, despite the denials of the Head of State, of a Mattarella bis.

More than the predictable attacks and poisons of the organs of justicialism, the fact that Berlusconi is influencing the games are the evident difficulties of Enrico Letta's Democratic Party and certain internal struggles in the pentastellated world which re-emerged between President Giuseppe Conte and Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio . Both, however, share a certain caution on the hypothesis of Draghi al Colle. Conte also went so far as to speak generically of dialogue with the center-right, in order not to be obviously cut off from any match. A high-risk game, this time with no more net: that of a king maker , in a game where the left no longer has the numbers for the first time after so many years, but neither do the others. At the moment some roads on the left may also lead towards Draghi. And we emphasize: at the moment. Because the move would go in that direction, but of the day before yesterday, before the release of Meloni, of Letta for the first time forced to come out into the open on the Corsa al Colle, after having said that he would not speak about it until January.

As already written on Start Magazine , it would be a way to try to stem the moves of the Cav first and foremost and any alliances with Matteo Renzi. As for the catchphrase early elections, for which we are looking for a parliamentarian from any party who wants them, it is clear that it is a weapon to keep groups at bay, especially to avoid fraying with unseen alliances with the Renzians. And, in any case, if one were to go in the direction of Draghi, assuming that the premier wants it, even a new government headed by a personality of close faith in Draghi like Daniele Franco could do well in a parliament that sees early voting as smoke in the eyes. This is due above all to the reduction in the number of exponents envisaged by the referendum.

Losing Draghi, both in government and as a candidate for Colle, as he is now being agitated on the media level, risks being more than a new catchphrase, this time an urban legend artfully stirred up. Because if the premier accepts, it is clear that the election should take place on the first try. But, as we have always reported, in the underlying plans of the left in search of the key to the problem, despite the repeated denials of the Head of State, the desire for a Mattarella bis has never faded. Indeed, it regains altitude now that the center-right is united on Berlusconi. Careful connoisseurs of the things of the Colle point out that the hypothesis of the encore could be objectively helped also by the worsening of the pandemic situation. In addition to the presentation of a Pd proposal in the Senate to abolish the second presidential term. It could be a way to ask Mattarella to stay, for the last time, the time necessary to carry out the constitutional reform. But it is also clear that in this case the essential condition would be a very large majority with the entire center-right. This is very difficult, especially on the part of Berlusconi's allies and the right-wing opposition. "We are thinking about it, maybe even as a solution if the situation were to screw up," a dem exponent whispered with the reporter. Just as another remarked that “whatever it is, Draghi or Mattarella bis or others, Letta must know how to build a real direction”.

Someone, as we had anticipated among the hypotheses, would also have thought, to avoid the mess of institutional procedures in the case of a Draghi candidacy and go to the rapid formation of a new government, to the resignation of the premier after the budget law. And an assignment to Franco or someone for him is underway.

Be that as it may, the point is that the left has taken note of the fact that "the Ursula formula has failed", they admit among the dem. The leader of the League has not in fact detached himself from the national emergency majority, as the Democratic Party had wished. Not surprisingly, Letta hasn't returned to the mantra for some time "Salvini, either stay inside or stay outside". Indeed, Salvini claims the results obtained by his party on the tax side, although he considers them only initial and very partial and "the final approval by the Commission of my amendment for separated parents". The same Northern League leader had said the other day, in full harmony with Berlusconi, that Draghi must work until 2023. And last night at Porta a Porta by Bruno Vespa, after interpreting the Cav on the Quirinale as a "step backwards" he said yes to the dialogue with Letta – who, as the number two of Forza Italia, Antonio Tajani, immediately specified, was instead only on the maneuver -, Meloni also gave his ok to Berlusconi al Colle. An important exit that at this point sees the center-right compact on the former four-time premier and president of FI.

The game has just begun. Borsini have already opened where the name of Pier Ferdinando Casini also returns, who according to the background would not mind Renzi, with his IV scales in parliament. That Casini already an ally of Berlusconi in the Casa delle Libertà and who said in solitude in the center-left in the Senate no to the trial of Salvini. But if the president of Forza Italia, who di Quirinale said he will speak only in January, is already in fact influencing the start of the game, the name of Casini does not seem to be appreciated by the Democratic Party who would see it as a victory for Renzi. As in a goose turn, we then return to Berlusconi and to the moves now of the center-right united on him.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/quirinale-berlusconi-destra-sinistra/ on Fri, 03 Dec 2021 06:23:47 +0000.