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In Abruzzo the Campo Largo has shrunk: the centre-right wins with Marsilio

In Abruzzo the Campo Largo has shrunk: the centre-right wins with Marsilio

How the regional elections went in Abruzzo. Paola Sacchi's note

In the middle of the night, when the gap with Luciano D'Amico approaches around 10 points of difference, Marco Marsilio, the first governor who had FdI in 2019 and now re-nominated in Abruzzo by the entire centre-right, heads towards the electoral committee. It is no longer that head-to-head that the forecasts had hammered out after the unexpected defeat of the center-right coalition in Sardinia which had shattered the myth of the invincibility of the center-right at the helm of the country.

The dreams of the colorful and divided opposition of becoming a truly alternative front last the space of a morning. D'Amico is over 40 percent at night, despite being supported by everyone in the center-left: Pd, Five Star, the Green Alliance and the left, but also Carlo Calenda's Action, oscillating between escapes forward on future alliances with Giuseppe Conte also on a national level and rapid reverse movements, in a continuous zig zag as is his style.

Iv also supports D'Amico. But Matteo Renzi immediately showed himself to be much more reserved than his former partner of the third pole in supporting the professor from Teramo with whom he hoped to repeat the Sardinian dream, which had brought the new governor of the Five Star Movement to Abruzzo like a lucky charm Alessandra Todde.

And, instead, the Abruzzo results, unless there are sudden reversals towards dawn, demonstrate that the truly broad field, that is, from the most radical left, including the leadership of the Democratic Party, to the five-star members and the reformists, former third-party politicians, is in fact only a electoral sign not winning and that so far the only chance has been given to the more radical tandem of Elly Schlein and Giuseppe Conte with the latter in pole position to be the leader of the narrow field.

The centre-right is heading towards victory for the choice of having re-presented Marco Marsilio, the man who gave the Garbatella membership card to a very young Giorgia Meloni, and who, unlike the mayor of Cagliari Truzzu, also from the Atreju generation, is a figure of the Roman right very rooted in the territory, solid and with a constant pace.

We met him many years ago when, as a correspondent from the Unit , we went to the wolf's den in the Colle Oppio section. An ironic Marsilio, in that cultural area of ​​Fabio Rampelli's Gabbiani and Meloni herself who referred to calls from Pino Rauti's social right and bet on battles which until then had been the exclusive prerogative of the left such as ecology, showed us in the section not only Tolkien but also books by Lenin, “to try to study the political opponent better”.

Furthermore, Abruzzo also overtakes FI on the League. But not those catastrophic figures predicted for Matteo Salvini who remains around the same almost 9 percent as in the 2022 elections. Once again, fans of the political end of the Salvini era record a resounding defeat.

As well as Renzi's dreams of taking over Antonio Tajani's Forza Italia which instead is hovering around 14 percent overnight.

“Abruzzo has become the Ohio of Italy: voters choose good government”, comments the leader of Noi Moderati, Maurizio Lupi, a partner of the centre-right. And the victory of the left in Sardinia confirms an error of understanding in the government coalition rather than the real take-off of the broad field which always remains too narrow.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/in-abruzzo-il-campo-largo-si-e-ristretto-vince-il-centrodestra-con-marsilio/ on Mon, 11 Mar 2024 04:28:24 +0000.