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Industry, energy, networks. Here are the programmatic notes of the Brothers of Italy

Industry, energy, networks. Here are the programmatic notes of the Brothers of Italy

What is expected in the field of industry, energy and networks in the "Notes for a conservative program" presented at the recent Milanese event of Fratelli d'Italia

The government plan of the Brothers of Italy for our country aims to keep the bar of independence straight. Autonomy that is declined in energy and economic terms.

This is what can be deduced, among other things, from “Notes for a conservative program”, a draft for the government program presented in the recent Milanese event of the party chaired by Giorgia Meloni.


Cesare Pozzi, professor of business economics at the Luiss Guido Carli University of Rome and of applied economics at the University of Foggia, has drawn up a plan for the economic and industrial growth of FdI. The starting point is the contraction of Italian industrial production which in the twenty-year period 2000-2021 lost "over 22 points", at the same time, "the manufacturing value added at constant prices in our country has undergone, on the basis of Unido data, a contraction by 10.5%, a very bad sign, if we consider that at a global level the manufacturing value added has almost doubled in the twenty years ”. The demographic crisis that has reduced the national workforce also has an impact on these data. "The Istat projections on the Italian population foresee just over 54 million people in 2050, with a population of working age (15-64 years) that will reduce to 52.8% of the total compared to the current 63.8% and with a population over the age of 65 that will represent 35% of the total (23.2% in 2020) "


These considerations lead Luiss economics to look at the Italian industrial strategy from two points of view. The first is the institutional set-up. Under the scholar's lens, " the rules of Title VII of the TFEU on competition " end up, which would give rise to a confused approach with "contradictory" results. "If the TFEU is in difficulty in the game of free competition – it says -, instead of reactivating the virtuous circuit between competences, territories and economic results, it introduces, with Article 126, two new constraints: Member States must limit to an abstract reference value both the ratio between the public deficit, forecast or actual, and gross domestic product, and the ratio between public debt and gross domestic product ".


The second aspect the economist focuses on is the transformation of the commodity market. Most of the semi-finished products and components come from localized productions outside the European borders. We saw the risks of this organization at the beginning of the pandemic, when personal protective equipment became unavailable, and therefore very expensive, because it was largely produced in China. “ Transforming changes in commodity markets into opportunities would be possible, but going through a different distribution formula for the value generated requires a radical change in institutional structures – writes the economist -. This is a complex operation, perhaps still feasible, but essential if we want to reverse a trend that is fueling growing economic and social tensions ”.


The chapter of the Fratelli d'Italia program dedicated to energy was entrusted to Terna's CEO, Stefano Donnarumma . There are five programmatic points around which the president of GO15, the association that brings together the main managers of infrastructures for the transmission of electricity worldwide, constructs FdI's energy policy proposal:

  • develop renewables as "sun and wind";
  • “Gas to support the transition, diversifying the sources of supply and maximizing national production”;
  • transform Italy into an “electrical hub of the Mediterranean through interconnections with Europe and North Africa;
  • for the future, focus on “green hydrogen” and “hard to abate” sectors and with fourth generation nuclear power ”;
  • “Enhance the excellence of Italian state-owned enterprises ENI, ENEL, SNAM and TERNA at an international level”.


Planning is the dogma to which a good administrator must commit himself when addressing energy policies. “The energy sector is characterized by ten-year cycles of decisions and investments: we must think today about what the future of our country and our children will be in 25 years – reads the program of the Brothers of Italy -. Over the last 35 years, Italy has chosen to rely more and more on a fossil source such as gas for primary uses, from the production of electricity to heating to industrial uses ”. Until 15 years ago, our country imported gas from Russia, Libya, Algeria and the North Sea and used the Panigaglia regasification plant. It took more than 10 years to get the TAP from Azerbaijan and the two terminals in Livorno and Rovigo fully operational .


The government that envisions FdI should support the sector through the development of infrastructures such as “ storage systems, electrochemicals or water pumps ” and “electricity networks”. The energy transition is not the goal of one party but the direction in which our country must go. “With more grids and renewable energy it will be possible to cut electricity costs – it continues -: with the energy transition, Italy will, in fact, be able to save around 4 billion a year. Continuing on this path, in 15-20 years the cost of energy for Italians will be equivalent to paying the waste tax , i.e. we will no longer spend money on raw materials, but only on the energy management and transport structure. through networks ". The future of our country will be increasingly electric. According to FdI estimates in 2050 the demand for electricity will be "more than double the current values ​​up to over 700 TWh, driven not only by direct electricity consumption, but also by electricity consumption dedicated to the production of green fuels such as hydrogen indispensable in non-electrifying sectors ". The energy transition will not be a revolution , gas, in fact, “will have to play the role of accompanying the transition for the next 2-3 decades. It is not plausible to think of doing without it Prima ".


The development of renewable energy is no longer just a goal of progressives but also of those who call themselves conservatives. “Italy must reach the goal of producing energy more and more autonomously” and the path suggested by Stefano Donnarumma passes through the development of “ photovoltaic and wind power ”. One of the frontrunners in this sector is Terna, the Donnarumma company. "The projects and investors are there: Terna, the operator of the national electricity grid, at the end of 2021 already had requests for connection to the grid of renewable energy plants equal to 168 GW, with an increase of 70% compared to 2020 and we are the first country in the world for offshore wind power potential. Authorization processes need to be streamlined ". Terna's CEO reminds us that our country is among "the pioneers in the hydrogen supply chain which, in its" green "version produced thanks to the renewable sources themselves, could be used for some industrial uses, in particular, in the so-called sectors" hard to abate ", such as that of heavy transport, air, sea or steel, or as an accumulation system". Donnarumma also breaks the nuclear taboo by suggesting to continue on the path of research of the " fourth generation atomic bomb, characterized by compact reactors and able to reuse fuel ". Also in this case, the president of GO15 calls into question the publicly controlled companies Eni, Enel, Snam and Terna, as reservoirs of knowledge and stresses that "every billion invested in electricity infrastructures generates between two and three in terms of GDP and to create about 1,000 new jobs ”.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/energia/industria-energia-reti-le-tesi-negli-appunti-programmatici-di-fratelli-ditalia/ on Wed, 10 Aug 2022 06:07:58 +0000.